Clinical Queries


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  1. Under Review: In dogs with neck pain due to intervertebral disc protrusion, are glucocorticoids superior to NSAIDs in providing analgesia?
  2. Under Review: In dogs with visceral pain, is Butorphanol compared with Buprenorphine more efficacious at reducing pain levels?
  3. Answered: In Dogs With a European Adder Bite, Does the Use of Antivenom With Supportive Treatment Compared to Supportive Treatment Alone Improve Time to Recovery?
  4. Under Review: In dogs with visceral pain, is Butorphanol compared with Hydromorphone more efficacious at reducing pain levels?
  5. Under Review: In dogs with infectious tracheobronchitis, does antimicrobial therapy decrease time to resolution of clinical signs, when compared to no treatment?
  6. Answered: Does Adding Transdermal Nitroglycerine to Other Therapies Used for Management of Left-sided Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs Speed the Resolution of Clinical Signs?
  7. Answered: In dogs with Methaldehyde intoxications, are benzodiazepines (such as diazepam or midazolam) more effective than Methocarbamol in reducing the severity and frequency of seizures?
  8. Being Answered: In dogs that have swallowed a foreign body, is endoscopy effective in removing the object, in comparison to surgery?
  9. Under Review:In dogs with permethrin intoxication is Intralipid IVLE therapy or ClinOleic IVLE therapy more effective in reducing hospitalisation time?
  10. Answered: In dogs with snakebites does the use of antimicrobials compared to no antimicrobials reduce incidence of wound infection?
  11. Under Review:In dogs with an adder bite, does the use of penicillins compared with cephalosporins result in reduced risk of bite wound infection?
  12. Under Review: In male dogs does early castration (<1 year) when compared to unneutered dogs result in increased fearful and anxious behaviour?
  13. Under Review: In dogs with a history of anal gland impaction does routine prophylactic emptying compared with no routine prophylactic emptying result in reduced incidence or frequency of anal gland impaction?
  14. Under Review: In male dogs, is pre-pubertal neutering compared to post-pubertal neutering more effective ate reducing the incidence and/or severity of mounting behaviours?
  15. Answered: In dogs weighing under 15 Kg with unilateral cranial cruciate ligament disease does the tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) technique lead to a better long-term functional outcome than the lateral fabellar suture (LFS) technique?
  16. Answered: In dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease, is non-surgical treatment as effective as surgical treatment with lateral fabellar suture technique in reducing time to recovery?
  17. Being Answered: Does tibial tuberosity transposition and advancement or a modified TPLO procedure provide the best clinical outcome for dogs with cranial cruciate deficiency and concomitant medial patella luxation?
  18. Answered: In dogs with periodontal disease is feeding a complete raw meat diet more effective than a complete kibble 'dental' diet at reducing periodontal disease?
  19. Under Review: In dogs with degenerative osteoarthritis is meloxicam superior to aspirin in improving standard lameness assessments e.g. canine brief pain inventory or similar?
  20. Being Answered: In dogs, does removing half the gland under local (Surgical removal of half of the mass of the tear glands of the nictitating membrane) increase the risk of subsequent dry eye?
  21. Under Review: In dogs with uncomplicated acute diarrhoea does metronidazole or bismuth subsalicylate result in faecal consistency (score) more rapidly returning to normal?
  22. Being Answered: In dogs with splenic neoplasia, does fine needle aspiration or needle core biopsy provide a more accurate diagnosis when compared to histology post splenectomy?
  23. Being Answered: In dogs with haemorrhagic gastroenteritis, does treatment with amoxicillin clavulanate compared to no treatment improve survival to discharge or reduce the period of hospitalisation?
  24. Being Answered: In dogs with gingivitis, does daily brushing with human (gingivitis specific) toothpaste, compared to regular canine toothpaste, have a greater effect to reduce the gingivitis score?
  25. Being Answered: In dogs with degenerative arthritis which gives the greatest improvement in pain scores - controlled exercise OR weight loss?
  26. Answered: In dogs with chronic enteropathy (idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease) is budesonide more effective than prednisolone or prednisone in resolving clinical signs or improving the canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) activity index (CIBDAI) or the canine chronic enteropathy clinical activity index (CCECAI)?
  27. Under Review: Do obese dogs (BCS ≤7) have more health problems than dogs of normal body weight (BCS 4 or 5) as assessed by the average number of non-routine yearly visits to their veterinary practice?
  28. Under Review: In dogs with acute tracheobronchitis does treatment with theophylline versus trimethoprim-sulphonamide lead to a shorter time to cessation of coughing?
  29. Being Answered: In canine appendicular fractures, is low-level laser therapy (≤200mW) more effective than low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (≤30mW/cm2) in improving radiographic bone healing time?
  30. Answered: In adult dogs, does feeding a raw food diet alter urine composition compared to a kibble diet?
  31. Answered: In dogs with traumatic elbow luxation, does closed reduction and conservative management result in a better outcome than open reduction and surgical management?
  32. Being Answered: In dogs, does regular tooth brushing (> 3 times per week) reduce the rate of development of periodontal disease?
  33. Answered: In bitches, does gonadectomy before 1 year of age compared to gonadectomy at 1 year of age or older, increase the risk of cranial cruciate ligament disease during their life?
  34. Being Answered: Are dogs managed medically with meloxicam for thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease at higher risk of developing gastritis compared to dogs managed with gabapentin?
  35. Answered: Does an egg-based oral rabies vaccination (ORV) intervention in stray dog populations result in greater uptake and more successful vaccination in a rabies control programme in South and South East Asian countries compared to other ORV baits?
  36. Being Answered: In adult dogs does hair in the ear canals increase the risk of otitis externa compared to dogs with non-hairy ear canals?
  37. Being Answered: In birthing bitches undergoing a caesarean does premedication with methadone compared to post procedural analgesic negatively affect suckling behaviour?
  38. Answered: In anxious dogs does the use of pressure vests compared to no pressure vests reduce the signs of anxiety/fear?
  39. Under Review: In dogs with generalised demodicosis, does the use of isooxazolines compared to a combined formulation of imidacloprid and moxidectin result in a similar rate and level of reduction of clinical signs?
  40. Under Review: In dogs does combining routine dental work with neutering result in more complications associated with neutering than dogs only being neutered?
  41. Under Review: In dogs with acute haemorrhagic gastroenteritis, does the addition of antimicrobials to treatment with prebiotics result in a more rapid return to normal stool consistency than using prebiotics alone?
  42. Answered: In stressed dogs does the use of a Pet Remedy diffuser, compared to not using one, result in lowered levels of stress?
  43. Answered: In dogs suspected of having steroid responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA), how long should immunosuppressive monotherapy with steroids be undertaken in order to achieve clinical resolution without relapse of clinical signs?
  44. Under Review: In dogs undergoing neutering surgery, following surgical hand scrubbing, does the additional use of sterile gloves lead to lower rates of post operative infection compared to scrubbing alone?
  45. Under Review: In dogs undergoing abdominal surgery, is intravenous paracetamol given intra and post operatively as effective or better than tramadol with respect to severity of pain (pain score, eating, appetite)?
  46. Under Review: In male dogs does neutering compared to non-neutering result in reduced risk of prostate-related morbidities?
  47. Under Review: In dogs with Cushings Syndrome does use of NSAIDS compared to no NSAID use result in a reduction in risk of internal haemorrhage?
  48. Answered: In greyhounds with recurring pedal corns, is wedge excision compared to repeatedly extirpating the corn more effective at resolving lameness?
  49. Answered: In neutered female dogs, what is the incidence of post-operative uterine pathology in ovariectomized bitches compared to ovariohysterectomized bitches?
  50. Being Answered: In dogs does neutering increase the risk of orthopaedic conditions when compared to unneutered dogs?
  51. Being Answered: In dogs with a mammary tumour undergoing surgery, what proportion will show evidence of metastasis with thoracic radiography compared to thoracic CT?
  52. Under Review: In adult dogs, does long hair coat result in higher rectal temperatures following exercise compared to dogs with short (natural or clipped) coats?
  53. Answered: Is an anchoring or pocket technique best for surgical repair of cherry eye in dogs?
  54. Answered: Can the measurement of glucose levels in blood and peritoneal fluid, instead of cytology and bacterial culture of peritoneal fluid, be used to diagnose septic peritonitis in dogs?
  55. Answered: Is garlic (Allium sativum) efficacious as an anthelmintic to prevent or reduce the intestinal worm burden (species found in the UK) of dogs?
  56. Answered: In dogs with atopic dermatitis are antihistamines as effective as glucocorticoids at reducing the severity of the clinical signs?
  57. Answered: In dogs with chronic pain, is acupuncture alone, compared to a placebo, more efficacious in alleviating pain and pain-related dysfunction?
  58. Being Answered: In dogs with immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia, does the addition of mycophenolate mofetil to corticosteroids confer benefit compared with corticosteroids alone?
  59. Being Answered: In dogs with neurological dysfunction/post-ligation seizures post attenuation of PSS, is levetiracetam or a benzodiazepine preferred to phenobarbital?
  60. Answered: In dogs with chronic enteropathy that have hypocobalaminaemia, can oral tablets be used instead of injectable protocols?
  61. Answered: The use of ultrasonography for detection of meniscal damage in dogs.
  62. Being Answered: In dogs diagnosed with primary (unassociated) immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, does treatment with glucocorticoids combined with cyclosporin result in a shorter hospitalisation period compared to treatment with glucocorticoids alone?
  63. Being Answered: In dogs that undergo ligation of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), is there a difference in procedural complication rates when comparing surgical and interventional techniques?
  64. Answered: In dogs over 15kg with cranial cruciate ligament rupture, does treatment with TPLO result in a better outcome than placement of a lateral fabellotibial suture.
  65. Answered: Is an admission or pre-operative lactate level a reliable predictor of survival to discharge in dogs presenting with GDV?
  66. Being Answered: In dogs with immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia, is there evidence to support the use of human intravenous immunoglobulin with glucocorticoid therapy compared to glucocorticoids alone?
  67. Answered: In dogs that undergo intestinal surgery, does the use of monopolar electrosurgery for intestinal incisions increase the risk of dehiscence when compared to a scalpel blade?
  68. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing dental extractions, does the use of peri-operative (24 hours) systemic antimicrobial therapy compared to no antimicrobial use result in fewer post-operative systemic or local infections?
  69. Answered: In dogs with B-cell lymphoma, does the use of flow cytometry provide useful prognostic information?
  70. Being Answered: In dogs diagnosed with anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma localised to the anal sac, following surgically removal does adjunctive chemotherapy improve median survival time?
  71. Answered: In canines diagnosed with osteoarthritis, is treatment with allogenic mesenchymal stem cell therapy, compared with a placebo, more efficacious at reducing lameness and pain?
  72. Answered: Does the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmia reduce the rate of survival compared to no cardiac arrhythmia in dogs with GDV?
  73. Answered: In dogs with medial shoulder instability, what treatment option results in the best patient outcomes medical vs. surgical management?
  74. Being Answered: In adult dogs with osteoarthritis, does the supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids in their daily diets reduce the severity of signs associated with osteoarthritis when compared with a normal diet without omega-3 fatty acid supplementation?
  75. Being Answered: In adult female dogs does neutering before the first season compared with neutering after the first season result in an increased risk of cranial cruciate ligament rupture?
  76. Being Answered: In dogs in acute anaphylaxis, does administration of intravenous methylprednisolone or dexamethasone improve survival to discharge compared to standard supportive treatment?
  77. Answered: In dogs with congestive heart failure, does the use of torasemide as a first line diuretic result in a superior survival time when compared to furosemide?
  78. Answered: In healthy dogs undergoing open wound management, does the topical application of honey result in faster rates of wound healing when compared with wounds that were not treated with topical honey?
  79. Under Review: Are puppies fed a raw meat based diet versus a commercially formulated diet at greater risk of nutrient imbalance?
  80. Being Answered: In dogs with a surgical wound, does the use of laser >0.5W accelerate wound healing when compared to not using laser treatment?
  81. Under Review: In dogs with atopic dermatitis, does omega 3 dietary supplementation compared to no omega 3 dietary supplementation result in a reduction in the severity of clinical signs?
  82. Under Review: In healthy dogs recovering from anaesthesia does feeding a bland diet versus feeding the usual diet reduce incidence of post-operative gastro-intestinal disturbance?
  83. Answered: In Bitches Diagnosed with Pyometra, is Medical Therapy Using Antibiosis Alone as Effective as Combining Ovariohysterectomy with Antibiosis in Reducing Morbidity and Mortality?
  84. Answered: The Evidence Behind the Treatment of Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy
  85. Answered: The Evidence Behind the Diagnostic Investigation of Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy
  86. Answered: There is No Evidence For or Against the Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to Reduce the Clinical Duration of Kennel Cough (Infectious Tracheobronchitis).
  87. Answered: Is Robenacoxib Superior to Meloxicam in Improving Patient Comfort in Dogs Diagnosed With a Degenerative Joint Process?
  88. Answered: In canine patients requiring suppression of gastric acid production, is ranitidine as effective as omeprazole in raising the intra-gastric pH?
  89. Answered: Is surgical treatment with tenotomy or tenodesis superior to conservative treatment for canine bicipital tenosynovitis?
  90. Answered: Are Old Dogs Who Undergo Total Hip Replacement More Predisposed to Perioperative Femoral Fractures than Young Dogs?
  91. Answered: Are dogs that eat quickly more likely to develop a gastric dilation (+/- volvulus) than dogs that eat slowly?
  92. Answered: Are dogs fed from a raised bowl at an increased risk of gastric dilation volvulus compared with floor-fed dogs?
  93. Answered: In dogs and cats, does the use of lidocaine lubricant on the endotracheal tube or placed on the glottis reduce tracheitis?
  94. Answered: Are hydrolysed diets an effective means of reducing the gastro-intestinal symptoms in dogs with chronic enteropathy?
  95. Answered: In Dogs with Periodontal Disease Is Feeding a Complete Raw Meat Diet More Effective Than a Complete Kibble 'Dental' Diet at Reducing Periodontal Disease?
  96. Answered: In dogs with pyothorax does medical management result in comparable mortality to surgical management?
  97. Answered: In cats and dogs does laparoscopic ovariectomy offer advantages over open ovariectomy for postoperative recovery?
  98. Answered: Is alpha-casozepine efficacious at reducing anxiety in dogs?
  99. Answered: In Dοgs That Have Had Intussusception Is Enteroplication Efficient as an Additional Surgical Procedure in Preventing Subsequent Recurrence?
  100. Answered: Do palliative steroids prolong survival in dogs with multicentric lymphoma?
  101. Answered: Which sternotomy closure method (orthopaedic wire or suture) is recommended in large breed dogs undergoing a median sternotomy?
  102. Answered: Can cytosine arabinoside with prednisolone treatment for canine meningioencephalitis of unknown origin increase survival rate compared to prednisolone treatment alone?
  103. Answered: In dogs bitten by the European adder (Vipera berus), does treatment with corticosteroids and supportive treatment improve time to recovery compared to supportive treatment alone?
  104. Answered: In dogs undergoing orchiectomy, does the use of intratesticular blocks reduce the pain in patients compared to not using intratesticular blocks?
  105. Answered: Is the use of hypertonic saline effective in reducing intracranial pressure after traumatic brain injury?
  106. Answered: In dogs with a displaced radial fracture, does the use of a free autologous greater omental graft combined with other standard fracture repair methods, compared to not using a greater omental graft, reduce fracture healing time?
  107. Answered: Are dogs fed a dry kibble-based diet more likely to experience an episode of gastric dilatation volvulus than dogs fed an alternative diet?
  108. Answered: In Dogs Does Feeding Raw Dietary Treats Reduce or Prevent Periodontal Disease?
  109. Under Review: On ovariohysterectomy, is there a higher incidence of uterine pathology in bitches that have had puppies compared to bitches neutered at a similar age that have not had puppies?
  110. Answered: In canine acute diarrhoea with no identifiable cause, does a daily probiotic supplement in diet, compared to no probiotic supplement, provide better clinical outcomes?
  111. Under Review: In dogs with osteoarthritis does oral treatment with turmeric compared to no treatment reduce the severity of the clinical signs?
  112. Answered: In dogs diagnosed with sinonasal aspergillosis, does the addition of debridement offer a better clinical outcome compared to dogs treated with a medical protocol alone?
  113. Answered: In bitches undergoing elective neutering via midline coeliotomy is ovariectomy superior to ovariohysterectomy in terms of anaesthetic duration, incision length and post-operative comfort?
  114. Answered: In dogs suffering from generalised demodicosis, is treatment with oral sarolaner more effective at resolving clinical signs compared to treatment with topical imidacloprid plus moxidectin?
  115. Under Review: In dogs undergoing abdominal surgery, does the use of pre packaged swaged needles reduce the risk of post operative complications compared to manually threaded needles utilising suture material from a reel?
  116. Under Review: In bitches with a pseudo-pregnancy, does neutering whilst clinical signs are still present lead to a higher incidence of persistence/recurrence compared to neutering when signs have resolved?
  117. Answered: In dogs with hyperadrenocorticism that are being treated with trilostane, does the measurement of basal cortisol levels have comparable diagnostic performance to the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test?
  118. Being Answered: Can placement of an artificial urethral sphincter be more effective in resolving urinary incontinence than colposuspension in dogs with refractory urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence?
  119. Answered: In dogs with a surgical or open wound does low level laser therapy increase the speed of wound contracture and reduce the healing time?
  120. Answered: In dogs with anxious behaviours, is fluoxetine more effective than clomipramine in reducing anxiety-related behaviours?
  121. Answered: In dogs undergoing surgical attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts, does pre-treatment with Levetiracetam reduce the incidence of post-operative seizures?
  122. Answered: In dogs suffering from degenerative lumbosacral stenosis, is surgical treatment more effective than medical therapy in reducing lower back pain and neurological dysfunction in the long-term?
  123. Answered: In dogs, is the oral administration of garlic, compared to no treatment, efficacious at preventing or reducing parasitism by fleas?
  124. Answered: In cats and dogs with traumatic diaphragmatic rupture, does surgical timing affect outcome?
  125. Answered: In dogs with aural haematomas does draining and injecting corticosteroids versus drainage alone reduce the risk of recurrence?
  126. Under Review: In dogs with inflammatory airway disease, do corticosteroids compared with NSAIDs result in reduced frequency and severity of bronchoconstriction episodes?
  127. Under Review: In bitches which have undergone a Caesarean section does oral medication with meloxicam increase the incidence of gastrointestinal side effects in the bitch or puppies when compared to non-NSAID analgesics?
  128. Answered: In dogs under going elective procedures using general anaesthesia does the use of mededtomidine during pre-medication result in an increase in anaesthetic complication rates when compared to the use of ACP as a premeditation?
  129. Answered: In dogs in shelters does pheromonotherapy reduce stress compared to untreated dogs?
  130. Answered: In healthy dogs, does the use of benzodiazepines in co-induction result in a reduction in the dose of propofol required to induce anaesthesia and a decrease in adverse cardiovascular and respiratory events?
  131. Under Review: In growing dogs does restricting daily exercise to 5 minutes multiplied by the age in months reduce the risk of skeletal growth disorders when compared to higher levels of exercise?
  132. Under Review: In bitches with placental retention following Caesarean section does prophylactic antibiotic therapy reduce the risk of post-operative uterine infection compared to no prophylactic antibiotic treatment?
  133. Being Answered: In dogs affected by IMHA, does sequential measurements of C reactive protein to determine the time of reduction of immunosuppressive treatment compared to using stability of PCV (Haematocrit) lead to a lower total dose of immunosuppressive treatment given?
  134. Answered: In bitches undergoing cesarean section, is an alfaxalone induction as effective as a propofol induction?
  135. Answered: In dogs presenting with gastrointestinal (GI) hypomotility is ranitidine administration (any route) beneficial in improving GI motility?
  136. Being Answered: In dogs with degenerative osteoarthritis is laser treatment superior to NSAID treatment in reducing the severity of the clinical signs?
  137. Answered: In dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis, is Meloxicam superior than Carprofen for reducing patient discomfort?
  138. Answered: In dogs undergoing hindlimb orthopaedic surgery does epidural with local anaesthetic and buprenorphine provide equivalent intra- and postoperative analgesia as epidural with local anaesthetic and morphine?
  139. Answered: In dogs diagnosed with a cutaneous mast cell tumour and undergoing primary surgery, does the size of the surgical margin affect the probability of recurrence?
  140. Answered: Does prescribing meloxicam or carprofen reduce gastrointestinal side effects?
  141. Being Answered: In bitches that are whelping but require caesarean section, does NSAID therapy for more than 24 hours prior to the caesarean reduce puppy survival rate compared to 24 hours or less?
  142. Being Answered: In dogs with a gastric torsion does gastroplexy versus no intervention reduce the risk of recurrence?
  143. Answered: In bitches is an ovarectomy/ovariohysterectomy by laparoscopy superior to an ovarectomy/ovariohysterectomy by a mid-line surgical laparotomy in reducing post-operative pain?
  144. Answered: In adult dogs with naturally occurring medial meniscal tears concurrent to cruciate ligament disease, is meniscal release equal to or superior to meniscal resection in improving lameness?
  145. Under Review: In large or giant dogs with gastric dilation (bloat), does injectable ranitidine compared with no treatment result in a reduced risk of progression to gastric dilatation volvulus?
  146. Answered: In pregnant bitches, does an elective caesarean section compared to vaginal delivery reduce puppy mortality rates?
  147. Answered: The Pre-incisional block with bupivacaine: Is there any effect on analgesia following celiotomy in dogs?
  148. Answered: In dogs undergoing anaesthesia does pre-anaesthetic gastro-protectants vs no gastro-protectants reduce gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR)?
  149. Answered: In routine canine caesareans, is alfaxalone a superior anaesthetic induction agent than propofol in increasing the rate of survival and vigour of neonates?
  150. Answered: In canine patients recovering from spinal surgery for intervertebral disc extrusion, does the implementation of passive range of motion (PROM) exercises, compared to not implementing PROM, lead to a quicker recovery?
  151. Under Review: In dogs with degenerative osteoarthritis does tramadol hydrochloride provide comparative or superior analgesia when compared with meloxicam?
  152. Under Review:In dogs with urothelial carcinoma does carboplatin or mitoxantrone with a COX-2 inhibitor compared to a COX-2 inhibitor alone result in increased survival time?
  153. Answered: When treating canine diabetic ketoacidosis, do balanced crystalloids provide superior outcomes compared to 0.9% saline?
  154. Answered: Does use of dog-appeasing pheromone reduce the frequency and/or severity of non-specific stress behaviours associated with anxiety in domestic dogs, older than 6 months, when compared with no treatment?
  155. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing surgical procedures, does supplementation of NSAIDs with maropitant, compared with NSAIDs alone, reduce the severity of pain?
  156. Answered: What is the specificity and sensitivity of cytology as a test for canine osteosarcoma when compared to histopathology as a gold standard?
  157. Being Answered: In dogs with corneal ulcers accompanied by melting keratitis, does intraocular application of patient serum in addition to antimicrobial drops result in a reduced need for surgical intervention compared to antimicrobial drops alone?
  158. Answered: In dogs undergoing an elective spay procedure (ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy), does the use of a Transversus Abdominus Plane (TAP) block compared to non-TAP reduce post operative pain scores?
  159. Answered: In dogs with uncomplicated corneal ulcers does prophylactic antibiotic eye drops reduce the risk of secondary infection when compared to no prophylactic antibiotic drops?
  160. Answered: In dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts that are treated with surgical attenuation what is the persistency, frequency, severity and outcome of neurological signs when compared to dogs that are treated medically?
  161. Answered: Do dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease managed non-surgically have better outcomes with rehabilitation?
  162. Answered: In dogs with atopic skin disease, is lokivetmab more effective in reducing the canine atopic dermatitis lesion index (or some other recognised scoring system) than oclacitinib?
  163. Being Answered: In dogs with congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunts treated with suture ligation are the outcomes inferior/equivalent/superior when compared to treatment with transvenous coil embolism?
  164. Being Answered: In dogs, is toothbrushing more effective at reducing the onset and severity of dental disease than provision of dental chews?
  165. Answered: In dogs with osteoarthritis how effective is treatment with tramadol in reducing the severity of the clinical signs associated with pain when compared to no treatment?
  166. Answered: In canine lymphoma, does the supplement of turkey tail (Trametes versicolor) as an adjuvant therapy lead to a better quality of life than those that do not?
  167. Being Answered: In adult dogs under general anaesthesia what is the shortest period of pre-anaethesia fasting that will minimise the risk of gastroesophageal reflux, regurgitation and emesis during anaesthesia?
  168. Answered: In dogs diagnosed with gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), does gastric decompression and gastropexy reduce the risk of recurrence of dilatation compared to dogs undergoing gastric decompression alone?
  169. Answered: In adult dogs with aortic stenosis does treatment with beta blockers compared with surgical intervention show a longer survival time with improved clinical parameters?
  170. Under Review: In dogs with urothelial carcinoma does piroxicam or meloxicam treatment result in increased survival time compared to no treatment?
  171. Being Answered: In bitches, does neutering when compared to not neutering reduce the risk of mammary tumours?
  172. Answered: In dogs with an acute thoracolumbar myelopathy, is non-contrast computed tomography (CT) a reliable method for the diagnosis of intervertebral disc extrusion, compared to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)?
  173. Answered: Are dogs with hip dysplasia less painful with total hip replacement than femoral head ostectomy?
  174. Answered: In dogs with gastrointestinal foreign-body obstruction undergoing surgical correction, is the mortality rate in the perioperative period for those receiving resection and anastomosis higher, lower, or equivalent to those receiving an enterotomy?
  175. Answered: In dogs with acute gastroenteritis, is metronidazole faster, slower, or comparable in resolving clinical signs when compared to probiotic administration?
  176. Being Answered: In dogs with splenic masses undergoing pre-surgery ultrasonography is splenic cavitation compared with no splenic cavitation associated with increased incidence of malignancy?
  177. Answered: Uncomplicated gallbladder mucoceles – is it better for prognosis to perform cholecystectomy or medically manage?
  178. Under Review: In canine patients displaying signs of nausea and vomiting, is maropitant administered parenterally compared with metoclopramide administered parenterally more effective at reducing frequency and severity of clinical signs?
  179. Answered: Comparison of marine-based omega-3 fatty acids as an adjunct to NSAID vs NSAID therapy alone in the peak vertical force exerted by affected limb(s) of osteoarthritic dogs
  180. Under Review: In adult dogs with situational anxiety does clonidine or trazodone more effectively reduce signs of anxiety
  181. Under Review: In Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever-endemic areas, do coyotes serve as a reservoir for brown dog ticks and rickettsiosis?
  182. Answered: Current evidence supporting simultaneous prophylactic gastropexy in canine patients undergoing complete splenectomy
  183. Answered: B.burgdorferi Exposure in Coyotes: an indicator of B.burgdorferi levels in urban versus rural environments
  184. Answered: The use of metronidazole in adult dogs with acute onset, uncomplicated, diarrhoea
  185. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing epidurals, does ropivacaine or bupivacaine provide a longer lumbosacral sensory block and speed of motor function return?
  186. Being Answered: In primary (unassociated) immune-mediated thrombocytopaenia in dogs, is platelet function altered following the use of vincristine compared to before vincristine was administered?
  187. Answered: In dogs is IDEXX Angio Detect™ a more accurate test than either Baermann coprology or Angiostrongylus vasorum antigen ELISA when diagnosing Angiostrongylus vasorum infection?
  188. Answered: As part of the surgical correction for medial patellar luxation in dogs, which procedure results in a better outcome for the patient: block or wedge recession trochleoplasty?
  189. Being Answered: In dogs and cats, is taking an axillary temperature comparably accurate to a rectal temperature?
  190. Answered: In dogs undergoing anaesthesia, does the use of trazodone reduce injectable or inhalant anaesthetic agent administration?
  191. Answered: In hospitalised dogs or dogs confined post-surgery, does administration of trazodone reduce stress related behaviours compared to no treatment with trazodone?
  192. Under Review: In canine soft tissue sarcomas, what is the diagnostic accuracy of cytology compared to histopathology?
  193. Answered: Does use of selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors reduce the severity of anxiety-related conditions in companion dogs at least 8 months of age when compared with no treatment?
  194. Answer Me: In dogs with adder bites does the use of antihistamines compared with no use of antihistamines result in improved incidence of recovery?
  195. Being Answered: In dogs, how accurate is abdominal ultrasound in detecting round cell neoplasia in the liver and spleen when compared to cytological or histopathological diagnosis?
  196. Answered: In male dogs undergoing surgical castration, does a pre-scrotal approach in comparison to a scrotal approach lead to a superior recovery, in terms of duration of post-operative pain and/or reduced post-operative complications?
  197. Being Answered: In Brachycephalic dogs undergoing surgery, does the administration of protein pump inhibitor drugs as part of the anaesthetic protocol reduce the incidence of regurgitation during or after anaesthesia when compared to no protein pump inhibitor drugs?
  198. Being Answered: In adult pet dogs with a sensitivity or phobia of sudden loud explosive noises, does treatment with imepitoin, compared to no medical treatment, reduce levels of fear and anxiety?
  199. Answered: Do adult dogs that are brachycephalic have an increased risk for developing heatstroke compared to non-brachycephalic dogs?
  200. Being Answered: Are adult dogs on long term, legume rich, grain free diets more likely to be taurine deficient when compared to dogs fed on grain-based diets?
  201. Being Answered: In adult dogs with a cutaneous mast cell tumour does medical treatment with tiganol tiglate 1mg/ml (Stelfonta, Virbac) result in increased post treatment adverse events when compared with surgical treatment by local excision?
  202. Under Review: Do dogs who are fed on a grain-free diet compared to a grain-based diet have an increased risk of dilated cardiomyopathy?
  203. Being Answered: In dogs with osteoarthritis, are owner-completed questionnaires a comparable assessment to clinical evaluations in monitoring chronic pain?
  204. Being Answered: In dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis, is treatment with an intra-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma reduce pain, compared with a placebo, more efficacious at reducing pain and lameness?
  205. Being Answered: In French Bulldogs diagnosed with intervertebral disk disease and reduced or absent proprioception, is hemileminectomy more effective than conversative treatment with NSAIDs +/- other analgesics and confinement?
  206. Answered: In dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) how safe and effective is treatment with bedinvetmab, when compared to a placebo, in long-term reduction of the severity of the clinical signs associated with OA pain?
  207. Answered: In dogs with type I immune-mediated polyarthritis, is treatment with other immunosuppressive agents as effective as treatment with corticosteroids at reducing clinical signs?
  208. Under Review: In dogs, does the use of chlorhexidine versus salt water or cooled boiled water to clean fresh skin wounds by owners increase the risk of delayed wound healing due to cytotoxicity?
  209. Under Review: Does Maropitant have a superior anti-emetic efficacy than Metoclopramide when treating dogs with parvoviral enteritis-induced emesis?
  210. Under Review: In dogs with atopic skin disease, is lokivetmab more effective at reducing Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index (CADESI)-3 score than ciclosporin?
  211. Being answered: Are adult dogs being fed a high-fat diet (>20%) more predisposed to pancreatitis compared to those fed a moderate-fat (10-15%) or low-fat (<10%) diet?
  212. Being answered: In dogs with transitional cell (urothelial) carcinoma undergoing ultrasound guided fine needle aspirate of the mass, what is the risk of tumour seeding along the needle tract?
  213. Being answered: In adult dogs with Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection can Neptra (a long-acting ear drop) compared to a daily ear drop result in a good outcome?
  214. Answered: In canine patients in status epilepticus, is intranasal midazolam as effective as rectal diazepam for controlling seizures?
  215. Under Review: In hospitalised dogs, does the use of silver-coated urinary catheters reduce the incidence of urinary tract infection when compared to silicone Foley urinary catheters?
  216. Being Answered: Out of radiography and CT what is the best way to diagnose radioulnar incongruence in dogs?
  217. Answered: In dogs diagnosed with medial coronoid disease, does arthroscopic surgical intervention compared with conservative management result in improved mobility and reduced pain?
  218. Being Answered: In dogs with meta(carpal and tarsal) fractures, does open reduction and surgical stabilisation compared to closed reduction and external coaptation(non-surgical stabilisation)lead to an improved likelihood of bone union and resolution of lameness?
  219. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing enterotomy, does using a gambee suture pattern instead of a single interrupted suture pattern to close the intestinal incision reduce the risk of postoperative complications?
  220. Answered: In skeletally immature dogs with simple non-displaced diaphyseal tibial and fibular fractures does internal fixation compared with external fixation result in less postoperative complications and improved fracture healing?
  221. Being Answered: In canines undergoing a median sternotomy does soaker catheter use compared with no soaker catheter use result in a reduction in post-operative pain?
  222. Being Answered: In greyhounds with paw pad corns, is digital flexor tenotomy more effective at resolving lameness than surgical excision?
  223. Answered: In healthy dogs undergoing a surgical procedure, is there improved pain control in dogs receiving intravenous paracetamol in the peri / postoperative period compared to dogs not receiving intravenous paracetamol?
  224. Answered: In adult dogs, is dietary supplementation with tryptophan compared with no dietary tryptophan supplement effective in reducing clinical signs of anxiety?
  225. Being Answered: In dogs with osteoarthritis (OA), does the oral supplementation of cannabidiol (CBD) oil, compared to conventional treatment alone, improve treatment outcomes of reducing pain and improving locomotion?
  226. Answered: In dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion does the use of acupuncture with medical management compared with medical management alone improve clinical recovery with regards to neurological score?
  227. Under Review: In dogs with aortic stenosis does balloon valvuloplasty result in longer survival and/or better quality of life compared to medical management?
  228. Being Answered: In anaesthetised dogs, are non-invasive blood pressure measurements comparably accurate to arterial puncture?
  229. Being Answered: In open fracture management of dogs, does the use of peri and post operative antibacterial treatment, compared to only perioperative antibacterial treatment, reduce the likelihood of developing a post operative infection?
  230. Answered: In dogs less than 18 months old with spontaneous/haematological septic arthritis, how effective is treatment with joint lavage and antimicrobial therapy compared to antimicrobial therapy alone?
  231. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing femoral head and neck excision, does pre-operative physiotherapy compared to no pre-operative physiotherapy, lead to a quicker recovery?
  232. Being Answered: Can administering stem cells in canines with intervertebral disk disease who are still paralyzed post intervention surgery help reverse acute paralysis?
  233. Under Review: In dogs which have undergone neutering do cat gut skin sutures compared with nylon skin sutures result in increased incidence and severity of suture reaction and surgical site interference?
  234. Being Answered: In adult dogs undergoing general anaesthesia is rapid infusion of propofol associated with a greater incidence or duration or post-induction apnoea compared to slow infusion of propofol?
  235. Being Answered: Does the risk of osteosarcoma development differ between dogs that have and have not undergone a tibial plateau levelling osteotomy?
  236. Being Answered: Do adult overweight dogs have a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis compared to healthy weight dogs of the same/similar age?
  237. Being Answered: In dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumours, does cytology accurately predict tumour grade (Küpel or Patnaik) when compared to histology?
  238. Being Answered: In puppies, does a later final puppy vaccination (>16weeks) for canine parvovirus versus an earlier final puppy vaccination?
  239. Being Answered: In naïve dogs is clicker training, versus using positive reinforcement training methods without a clicker, more effective at reducing time taken to learn a novel trained behaviour?
  240. Being Answered: Does anti-depressant use alongside behaviour modification, compared with behaviour modification alone, improve the chances of recovery in dogs with separation anxiety?
  241. Being Answered: In female dogs displaying aggression associated with pseudopregnancy, does treatment with cabergoline for 7-14 days (off license) versus treatment with cabergoline for 4-6 days (licensed dose) result in resolution of aggressive behaviours?
  242. Being Answered: In large breed dogs, does controlling the type (or quantity) of exercise during growth, compared to not controlling exercise during growth, effect the incidence of hip dysplasia?
  243. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing stifle surgery, does femoral and sciatic nerve block compared with epidural anaesthesia result in reduction of intraoperative rescue analgesia and residual block?
  244. Being Answered: Is folded flap palatoplasty associated with less morbidity and earlier discharge time in comparison with standard staphylectomy techniques including sharp dissection, co2 laser and vessel sealing device?
  245. Being Answered: In dogs suffering from idiopathic epilepsy does treatment with CBD compared to placebo result in a decrease in seizure frequency, severity or duration?
  246. Answer Me: In dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture and intraoperative excessive internal rotation of the tibia does the addition of a lateral suture to a Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) compared to a TPLO without addition of a lateral suture lead to improved lameness scores post operatively?
  247. Being Answered: In dogs with syringomyelia, compared to placebo, is pregabalin is more beneficial in alleviating clinical signs associated with central neuropathic pain?
  248. Being Answered: In dogs does faecal microbial transplantation compared to no treatment reduce signs of gastrointestinal disturbance?
  249. Under Review: In dogs diagnosed with primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, does the addition of human intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (hIVIG) to the treatment protocol result in a reduced latency to hospital discharge compared to not including hIVIG?
  250. Being Answered: In adult dogs undergoing upper GI endoscopy, does butorphanol versus methadone premedication aid duodenal intubation?
  251. Being Answered: Does FNA increase the risk/association of tumour seeding over surgical biopsy in dogs with tumours?
  252. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing internal fracture fixation does the use of internal fixators and bone morphogenic protein accelerates healing compared to internal fixators alone?
  253. Being Answered: In spayed female dogs, does phenylpropanolamine as compared to oestrogen-based medications result in a reduced incidence of urinary incontinence?
  254. Under Review: In canine surgical patients, are forced warm air devices more efficient at preventing hypothermia than electrical heat pads?
  255. Being Answered: In dogs sedated or premedicated with dexmedetomidine, does administration of intravenous lidocaine versus no intervention, affect heart rate?
  256. Being Answered: In adult dogs with undiagnosed chronic vomiting, does the treatment with omeprazole compared to no treatment with omeprazole, reduce the either the frequency and/or the severity of the vomiting.
  257. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing an intestinal anastomosis does functional end-to-end stapled anastomosis versus sutured end-to-end anastomosis reduce dehiscence?
  258. Answer Me: In dogs with atopy does cannabidiol (CBD) in combination with current treatment compared to current treatment reduce clinical signs [prospective authors to suggest how that reduction in clinical signs is quantified, e.g. pruritus, skin lesions or CADESI-4 score]?
  259. Answer Me: In dogs with separation anxiety does cannabidiol (CBD) in combination with current treatment compared to placebo plus current treatment reduce behavioural and physiological measures of anxiety?
  260. Answer Me: In dogs with noise phobia does cannabidiol (CBD) in combination with current treatment compared to placebo plus current treatment reduce behavioural and physiological measures of anxiety?
  261. Being Answered: In canine patients with infectious SIRS, how do high levels of HMGB1 protein, compared to low levels, relate to mortality outcomes?
  262. Being Answered: In dogs with liver disease, what is the level of agreement between cytologic specimens obtained via ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration and histologic specimens obtained via core-biopsy sampling?
  263. Being Answered: In dogs undergoing brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome (BOAS) surgery does intra-operative constant rate infusion (CRI) of metoclopramide reduce the risk of regurgitation and aspirational pneumonia?
  264. Being Answered: For adult canines, does the use of one-dose prescription treatment (CLARO) reduce the risk of recurrent otitis externa compared with multi-dose prescription treatment (Ottomax)?
  265. Being Answered: In dogs with nephrolithiasis, is extracorporeal shock wave therapy an effective treatment method to resolve the presence of kidney stones?
  266. Answered: In dogs with tetanus, does administering the equine tetanus antitoxin compared to not administering the antitoxin reduce mortality rates?
  267. Being Answered: In canines with osteosarcoma, how does treatment with Doxorubicin in addition to surgical removal compared to surgical removal alone affect the survival time?
  268. Being Answered: In Doberman Pinschers diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, how does treatment with pimobendan compare to treatment with ACE inhibitors such as enalapril in terms of improving prognosis?
  269. Being Answered: In dogs with osteoarthritis of the hip, does shock wave therapy when compared to no therapy reduce objective pain / lameness scores?
  270. Being Answered: In large dogs undergoing elective orchidectomy, does a closed castration technique result in fewer post-operative complications than an open castration technique?
  271. Being Answered: In dogs diagnosed with Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TVT), does treatment with vincristine combined with ivermectin, compared to treatment with vincristine alone, lead to improved clinical outcomes?
  272. Being Answered: In French bulldogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) that score grade 2-3 on the Cambridge BOAS assessment prior to staphylectomy surgery, does the harmonic scalpel technique compared to the folded flap palatoplasty technique, result in a better clinical outcome?
  273. Being Answered:In adult dogs with suspected or confirmed sepsis, does the quick sequential organ failure assessment (qSOFA) score accurately predict mortality?
  274. Being Answered:In dogs with corneal ulceration, does the use of a bandage contact lens after debridement, compared to debridement alone, decrease the time to clinical resolution?
  275. Being Answered:In dogs with nonhealing corneal ulcers, does medical management with adjunctive use of a matrix regenerating agent compared to medical management without a matrix regenerating agent use improve healing outcomes?

  1. Answered: In horses with superficial digital tendonitis is bandaging and rest compared to rest alone more effective at promoting healing?
  2. Answered: In horses with heel bulb lacerations, does casting the distal limb compared to bandaging result in faster healing?
  3. Under Review: In horses in work does the use of breast-strap harnesses compared with breast-collar straps result in less chaffing and sores?
  4. Answered: In lame horses affected by osteoarthritis of the distal tarsal joints (bone spavin), are bisphosphonates more effective than NSAIDs in long-term alleviation of lameness?
  5. Answered: In horses that are lame due to osteoarthritis of the distal tarsal joints (bone spavin), is intra-articular medication with corticosteroids compared to systemic bisphosphonate treatment more effective in long-term lameness reduction?
  6. Answered: In three day event horses, does biannual routine influenza vaccination compared to annual routine influenza vaccination reduce performance levels?
  7. Answered: Is removal of proximo-plantar osteochondral fragments necessary in young Thoroughbreds?
  8. Being Answered: In adult horses with superficial digital flexor tendonitis, does icing the leg in addition to non-steoidal anti-inflammatory therapy compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory treatment alone speed the healing process?
  9. Under Review: In adult horses housed on yards with biosecurity measures in situ, is live attenuated intranasal equine strangles vaccine compared to no intranasal equine strangles vaccine, result in reduced risk of equine strangles infection?
  10. Answered: In horses with arthritis, does the treatment with intra-articular anti-microbials concurrently with intra-articular corticosteroids reduce the risk of sepsis compared to intra-articular cortico-steroids alone?
  11. Answered: In Adult Horses With Septic Peritonitis, Does Peritoneal Lavage Combined With Antibiotic Therapy Compared to Antibiotic Therapy Alone Improve Survival Rates?
  12. Answered: In horses with chronic laminitis, do venograms compared to plain radiographs give greater diagnostic or prognostic information?
  13. Answered: In horses with allergen-related Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), is immunotherapy compared to environmental reduction of allergen exposure more effective in disease modification?
  14. Answered: In Broodmares with post-service endometritis, is antibiotic intervention with other routine therapies superior to other routine therapies without antibiotic intervention in increasing pregnancy rate?
  15. Being Answered: In competition horses, do bit seats compared to no bit seats result in improved performance?
  16. Under Review:In Broodmares with Klebsiella-positive clitoral swabs, are antibiotics more effective than transfaunation as measured by resolution of colonisation?
  17. Answered: In horses with longitudinal tears of the deep digital flexor tendon, is surgical repair as effective as tenoscopic debridement alone for returning to previous level of performance?
  18. Answered: Do modern, oral/minimally invasive cheek tooth extraction techniques reduce the incidence of post-operative complications in the horse when compared to traditional repulsion methods?
  19. Answered: In horses with arthritis, does the treatment with intra-articular anti-microbials concurrently with intra-articular corticosteroids reduce the risk of sepsis compared to intra-articular cortico-steroids alone?
  20. Answered: No Evidence That Therapeutic Systemic Corticosteroid Administration is Associated With Laminitis in Adult horses Without Underlying Endocrine or Severe Systemic Disease
  21. Answered: Evidence supporting intralesional stem cell therapy to improve equine flexor tendon healing
  22. Answered: In an adult horse with severe asthma (RAO) does using inhaled corticosteroids result in an equal improvement in clinical signs when compared to systemic corticosteroids?
  23. Answered: Can Hoof Wall Temperature And Digital Pulse Pressure Be Used As Sensitive Non-Invasive Diagnostic Indicators Of Acute Laminitis Onset?
  24. Answered: In mares with placentitis does treatment with long term antibiotics result in improved outcome when compared to short course pulse antibiotic therapy of 7 to 14 days?
  25. Answered: In equids affected by acute laminitis, does continuous digital hypotermia of the lower limbs and supportive treatment improve clinical outcome compared to supportive treatment alone?
  26. Answered: In lame horses, caused by osseous cyst-like lesions in the proximal hindlimb, is box rest and analgesia administration more effective at returning the horse to previous level of performance in comparison to arthroscopic debridement?
  27. Being Answered: In acute colic admissions, can measuring serum amyloid A concentration compared to other acute phase proteins more accurately differentiate between medical and surgical cases?
  28. Answered: In horses with osteoarthritis, is mesenchymal stem cell therapy more effective at managing lameness than intra-articular corticosteroids?
  29. Answered: In horses undergoing volatile anaesthesia with isoflurane or sevoflurane, does administration of an alpha-2 agonist as a CRI compared to anaesthetic maintenance with volatile alone improve recovery quality?
  30. Answered: In horses with osteoarthritis is treatment with intra-articular polyacrylamide more likely to reduce the severity of clinical signs associated with lameness when compared to treatment with intra-articular corticosteroid?
  31. Answered: In horses with trigeminal-mediated headshaking, is neuromodulation with EquiPENS™ more effective than with electroacupuncture?
  32. Answered: In horses undergoing general anaesthesia, does assistance with ropes result in better recoveries when compared to no assistance ('free' recovery)?
  33. Being Answered: In horses with palmar foot pain, are eggbar shoes more effective than well-balanced traditional shoes in promoting longer-term soundness?
  34. Answered: In adult horses with secondary sinusitis, caused by dental disease, is computed tomography more accurate than radiography for the diagnosis of apical dental pathology?
  35. Answered: Can sedation be used for equine lameness investigation?
  36. Being Answered: Is electrochemotherapy more effective than laser excision in preventing the recurrence of sarcoids in horses?
  37. Being Answered: In horses that underwent exploratory coeliotomy, is an abdominal bandage associated with fewer incisional complications compared to no abdominal bandage?
  38. Answered: In horses with acute laminitis, does cryotherapy of the distal limbs applied after onset of clinical signs lead to improved clinical outcomes compared to horses treated without cryotherapy?
  39. Under Review: In breeding mares that have undergone vernal transition, is the use of a recognised ovulation inducing agent more likely to result in ovarian follicular development or ovulation of a steroidogenically competent follicle more than 35 mm in diameter following a sequence of a few cold and or wet days in spring compared to following a sequence of warm and sunny days; or days that are not considered to be cold and or wet?
  40. Being Answered: In horses with lameness caused by navicular disease / syndrome, are bisphosphonates more effective than NSAIDs in long-term alleviation of lameness?
  41. Under Review: In horses receiving allogenic blood transfusions, does receiving a cross-match and blood type compatible transfusion as compared to receiving a cross-match and blood type incompatible transfusion increase the survival time of erythrocytes?
  42. Being Answered: In horses receiving allogenic blood transfusions, does receiving a cross-match and blood type compatible transfusion as compared to receiving a cross-match and blood type incompatible transfusion reduce the incidence of transfusion reactions?
  43. Being Answered: In horses diagnosed with chronic injury of the proximal suspensory ligament, is conservative management combined with extra corporeal shockwave therapy (ECSWT) compared to conservative management alone more effective in long-term lameness reduction?
  44. Being Answered: In horses with navicular disease/syndrome, is barefoot more effective than remedial shoeing in long term alleviation of lameness?
  45. Answered: In horses undergoing volatile anaesthesia, is recovery quality superior with the use of isoflurane or sevoflurane?
  46. Answered: In horses with a suspensory ligament branch injury, does high-intensity laser therapy (energy output greater than 500 mW) combined with conservative management, compared to conservative management alone, result in a faster return to primary function?
  47. Being Answered: In horses with a kick wound to the medial aspect of the radius, is clinical suspicion of radial fracture always warranted?
  48. Being Answered: In horses with sarcoids, does laser surgical excision compared to treatment with topical medication result in decreased rate of recurrence?
  49. Being Answered: In horses with flexor tendon lesions, does Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment lead to improved short-term outcomes compared to controlled exercise program?
  50. Being Answered: In adult horses with diagnosed overriding or impinging dorsal spinous processes, does medical management or surgical intervention provide a better outcome for return to previous work?
  51. Being Answered: In feedlot finished steers, does a combination hormonal growth promotant implant- containing trenbolone acetate and oestradiol- compared to an oestradiol only implant, result in a less negative meat-eating quality?
  52. Being Answered: In mares with placentitis, does the addition of altrenogest to the treatment protocol result in improved foal outcomes compared to treatment without altrenogest?
  53. Being Answered: In broodmares undergoing artificial insemination, is uterine fluid development more likely post insemination with frozen semen compared to insemination with chilled semen?
  54. Being Answered: Does surgical treatment of proximal suspensory desmitis (plantar neurectomy and fasciotomy) have an improved long-term (>12 months) return to soundness compared to conservative treatment (including rehabilitation and/or shockwave)?
  55. Being Answered: In performance horses, does chiropractic in conjunction with phenylbutazone administration alleviate nociceptive pain in the back more effectively than phenylbutazone therapy alone?
  56. Being Answered: In horses with guttural pouch mycosis, is surgical intervention more effective at resolving mycotic lesions when compared to medical management alone?
  57. Being Answered: In horses with ligament/tendon injuries, how does treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) compared to shockwave therapy reduce healing time?
  58. Being Answered: In horses diagnosed with Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS), is the use of SGLT2 inhibitors more efficient in achieving normoinsulinemia post oral sugar test compared to a low sugar diet only?
  59. Being Answered: In horses undergoing treatment for endotoxemia, does the administration of polymyxin-B (PMB),when compared to no administration of PMB, improve clinical outcomes?
  60. Being Answered: In racing horses, does the administration of methocarbamol, compared to racing horses without methocarbamol administration, decrease the incidence of exertional rhabdomyolysis?

  1. Being Answered: In a wild population of koalas infected with Chlamydia pecorum, will vaccination with a rMOMP vaccine decrease the severity of shedding and clinical disease in vaccinated animals compared to un-vaccinated animals?
  2. Being Answered: In avian surgery for repair of traumatic wounds is there a lower rate of post-operative complications when using polydioxanone as compared to poliglecapron 25 for closing the skin layer?
  3. Being Answered: Does the use of Vacuum assisted closure (VAC) in chelonians reduce the healing time for traumatic shell wounds compared to wire closure?
  4. Being Answered: Is there a correlation between vaginal cytology (anuclear superficial epithelial cells) and estrus behaviour (calling, rolling, sniffing, grooming, scent marking) in the captive cheetah (Acinonyx jabutus) that will allow adequate captive management decisions on timing of natural mating and / or artificial insemination?
  5. Answered: In sea turtles presenting for sustained hypothermia (cold stunning), what blood analytes routinely evaluated at intake provide the most prognostic value?
  6. Answered: For teleost fish undergoing invasive surgery, do intramuscular opioids reduce perioperative pain compared with no analgesia?
  7. Being Answered: In vulture species of family Cathartidae, is lead exposure a cause for population decline?
  8. Being Answered: Do hamsters housed in enriched cages with a floor space larger than 4,000cm squared have reduced stress behaviours than hamsters housed in un-enriched cages less than 4,000cm squared?
  9. Being Answered: Do captive tigers housed in pairs or social groups exhibit more frustrated or stress-related behaviours than captive tigers housed alone?

  1. Under Review: In cats with CKD, does controlling renal hypertension with amlodipine compared to ACE inhibitors decrease renal mortality?
  2. Answered: Are Adult Cats Fed on Wet Maintenance Diets Less at Risk of Developing Chronic Kidney Disease Compared to Adult Cats Fed on Dry Maintenance Diets?
  3. Answered: In cats with idiopathic Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), is prednisolone more effective than NSAIDs in reducing clinical signs?
  4. Under Review: In adult cats, does a varied diet reduce the risk of developing a food intolerance / hypersensitivity, when compared to a consistent diet?
  5. Under Review: In cats, does feeding a canned-food diet compared to a dry diet result in a reduced risk of developing a urinary tract infection?
  6. Under Review: In adult cats, does being obese (BCS >7/9) compared with being a healthy bodyweight (BCS 4-5/9) increase the incidence or severity of periodontal disease?
  7. Answered: In adult cats, does feeding grain free maintenance diet reduce the risk of obesity compared to feeding a maintenance diet containing grains?
  8. Under Review: In cats with atopic dermatitis, does omega 3 dietary supplementation compared to no omega 3 dietary supplementation result in a reduction in the severity of clinical signs?
  9. Being Answered: In domestic cats, is vaccination against feline papillomavirus effective at reducing the risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma compared to unvaccinated cats?
  10. Being Answered: In adult cats does being obese (BCS >7/9) compared with being a healthy bodyweight (BCS 4-5/9) result in reduced longevity?
  11. Under Review: In cats with renal secondary hyperparathyroidism, does the use of calcitriol in addition to dietary modification extend survival time compared to dietary modification alone?
  12. Under Review: Are hand-reared kittens more likely to develop gastrointestinal problems than normally weaned kittens?
  13. Being Answered: In cats vaccinated against FIV (but not FIV infected) what percentage have a positive FIV antibody test?
  14. Answered: In clinically hyperthyroid cats, is I-131 treatment superior to unilateral or bilateral thyroidectomy in normalising serum T4 level?
  15. Under Review: In cats under 10 years old, does the presence of arthritis affect body condition score, when compared to non-arthritic cats?
  16. Under Review: In cats with self-barbering, does hypoallergenic feeding improve clinical signs (measured through skin examination), in comparison to normal feeding?
  17. Under Review: In cats with chin acne, is topical benzoyl effective at reducing clinical signs, in comparison to no drug intervention?
  18. Under Review: In cats with chin acne, are topical glucocorticoids superior to systemic glucocorticoids in reducing clinical signs?
  19. Being Answered: In cats, is taking a blood pressure measurement using uninvasive methods (doppler ultrasonography or oscillometry) comparably accurate to a direct arterial puncture?
  20. Under Review: In cats with cystitis, is combined treatment with antibiotics and analgesia or treatment with analgesia alone more effective at resolving clinical signs?
  21. Under Review: In adult cats, is honey effective in improving the healing of skin wounds, when compared to pharmaceutical topical treatments?
  22. Being Answered: In cats with traumatic brain injury, is Hypertonic Saline more effective than Mannitol , when measuring neurological recovery OR survival?
  23. Answered: In cats with psychogenic alopecia, is over-grooming reduced by the use of clomipramine compared to untreated cats?
  24. Being Answered: In adult cats with lower urinary tract disease, is behavioural management more effective than drug management in reducing the risk of relapse?
  25. Under Review: In adult male cats with a urethra blockage, is indwelling catheterisation more effective than percutaneous drainage in reducing the incidence of recurrence?
  26. Being Answered: In cats with traumatic brain injury, is Hypertonic Saline more effective than Lactated Ringer's solution (LRS), when measuring neurological recovery?
  27. Under Review: In cats with Methaldehyde intoxications, are benzodiazepines (such as diazepam or midazolam) more effective than Methocarbamol in relaxing muscles/reducing occurrence of seizures?
  28. Under Review: In cats, is urinalysis more effective than ultrasound in diagnosing chronic lethargy?
  29. Under Review: In cats, is urinalysis more effective than radiography in diagnosing chronic lethargy?
  30. Under Review: In cats undergoing surgical procedures that require aseptic skin preparation is povidone a safe preparation to use with regards to the iodine content of the product?
  31. Under Review: Does the use of a commercial FIV vaccine lead to effective prevention from the infection under field conditions in domestic cats, compared to not vaccinating?
  32. Answered: In cats which are stressed as a result of veterinary interventions does treatment with gabapentin lower the stress level compared to no treatment?
  33. Under Review: Does clonality testing by R for antigen receptor rearrangement (PARR) aid differentiation of feline inflammatory bowel disease and alimentary lymphoma in equivocal cases?
  34. Being Answered: In cats with systemic arterial hypertension are there alternative anti-hypertensive drugs to amlodipine that are of equal or greater efficacy and safety profile for use?
  35. Answered: Is garlic (Allium sativum) efficacious as an anthelmintic to prevent or reduce the intestinal worm burden (species found in the UK) of cats?
  36. Answered: Do environmental changes prevent recurrence of episodes of feline Idiopathic Cystitis more effectively than medications?
  37. Answered: Feline Hyperthyroidism - Is dietary management within our reach?
  38. Answered: Of cats that present with aortic thromboembolism, do patients that receive thrombolytic therapy vs those who do not, have improved survival in the acute period?
  39. Answered: In adult cats with epilepsy which is poorly controlled with phenobarbital therapy alone, is imepitoin or levetiracetam more effective as a second-line anti-convulsant in order to reduce seizure frequency?
  40. Being Answered: In cats with cardiac disease, is treatment with clopidogrel associated with a reduced risk of arterial thromboembolism when compare to treatment with aspirin?
  41. Under Review: In cats with inflammatory respiratory conditions does the use of NSAIDs reduce the severity of the respiratory clinical signs when compared to no NSAID intervention?
  42. Answered: Use of Lidocaine in Reducing Post-Operative Tracheitis in Dogs and cats: A Knowledge Summary
  43. Answered: Which Antibacterial Agent Performs Best for the Treatment and Clearance of Chlamydophila Felis Infection in cats?
  44. Answered: Spaying of cats and dogs by laparoscopic ovariectomy may offer a more positive recovery than traditional open surgical methods
  45. Answered: In cats infected with feline herpesvirus type-1 (FHV-1) does treatment with famciclovir result in a reduction of respiratory and ocular clinical signs?
  46. Answered: Is topical or systemic antimicrobial therapy more effective for the treatment of feline acne with secondary bacterial infection?
  47. Answered: Does the Use of Intratesticular Blocks in cats Undergoing Orchiectomies Serve as an Effective Adjunctive Analgesic?
  48. Answered: Percutaneous management of urethral blockages in cats
  49. Answered: Reluxation rates following different techniques for open stabilisation of feline coxofemoral dislocations
  50. Answered: In cats with feline interstitial cystitis does the use of meloxicam increase the speed of resolution of clinical signs compared to prednisolone?
  51. Under Review: In cats with chin acne, are topical antibiotics superior to systemic antibiotics in reducing clinical signs?
  52. Being Answered: In cats with hyperthyroidism, does performing a bilateral staged thyroidectomy, compared to a simultaneous bilateral thyroidectomy, decrease the risk and/or severity of postoperative hypocalcaemia?
  53. Being Answered: Are tigers which are anaesthetised using a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam at greater risk of complications when compared to other anaesthetic agents?
  54. Answered: Is the new recommended standard flow rate of 3mL/kg/hour for cats and 5mL/kg/hour for dogs for surgical fluid therapy superior to previous recommended flow rate of 10mL/kg/hour for both cats and dogs?
  55. Answered: In cats infected with Tritrichomonas foetus does treatment with ronidazole result in successful eradication of infection?
  56. Answered: In cats and dogs with traumatic diaphragmatic rupture, does surgical timing affect outcome?
  57. Answered: Is the IDEXX SDMA assay (SDMA > 14 ug/ml) more sensitive in diagnosing chronic kidney disease than serum creatinine measurements using IRIS guidelines (Creatinine > 140 umol/l)?
  58. Being Answered: In adult cats with inflammatory airway disease, does cyproheptadine compared with no treatment result in a reduction in severity of clinical signs?
  59. Answered: In cats within a clinical veterinary context, does the application of the F3 feline facial pheromone (Feliway™), when compared to placebo, reduce signs of acute stress?
  60. Being Answered: In cats with IRIS Stage 1 chronic kidney disease (CKD), does feeding a phosphate restricted versus standard adult cat food slow progression of CKD?
  61. Being Answered: In cats with proteinuric CKD (UP/C 0.2-1) does use of RAAS suppressing medication (benazepril or telmisartan) versus no intervention improve longevity?
  62. Under Review: In cats with borderline proteinuric CKD (UPC 0.2-0.4) does use of RAAS suppressing medication (benazepril or telmisartan) versus no intervention improve quality and/or length of life?
  63. Answered: In a transfusion naïve cat is crossmatching recommended prior to the administration of type specific blood?
  64. Answered: In cats infected with papillomavirus is the risk of developing feline cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma greater than cat which are not infected with papillomavirus?
  65. Answered: Should we offer total hip replacement to feline patients?
  66. Answered: In symptomatic cats with feline immunodeficiency virus, does high-dose subcutaneous recombinant feline interferon omega administration combined with supportive therapy lead to reduced clinical signs compared to supportive therapy alone?
  67. Being Answered: In diabetic cats with ketoacidosis, that require fluid therapy, does 0.9% saline compared to Hartman's solution result in inferior/similar/superior outcomes?
  68. Answered: In adults cats undergoing a venepuncture procedure, does the application of a topical lidocaine-based anaesthetic to the skin at the venepuncture site reduce the severity of the clinical signs associated with pain when compared to no topical anaesthetic?
  69. Answered: In cats with diabetes mellitus, does treatment with Protamine Zinc Insulin (PZI) have an inferior/equivalent/superior effect on the the severity of the clinical signs and the fequency hypoglycaemic episodes when compared compared to treatment with glargine (iGlar)?
  70. Answered: In cats with feline infectious peritonitis, does treatment with nucleoside analogs or protease inhibitors, compared to supportive measures alone, lead to longer survival times?
  71. Being Answered: In cats with idiopathic urinary obstruction does Prazosin compared with Phenoxybenzamine result in a reduction in risk of reoccurrence of urethral spasms?
  72. Answered: Use of feline interdigital semiochemical (FIS) to redirect unwanted scratching behaviour in cats
  73. Answered: In cats with chronic bronchospasm and airway hypersensitivity (asthma) do oral glucocorticoids or inhaled glucocorticoids more effectively control clinical signs?
  74. Answered: In cats with anxiety, does pre-appointment trazodone administration, as compared to no trazodone, effectively reduce patients’ stress during veterinary visit?
  75. Being Answered: In cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD), requiring analgesia, does meloxicam increase the progression of the kidney disease more than not using meloxicam?
  76. Under Review: In cats with refractory chronic gingivostomatitis, is administration of feline interferon omega more effective at reducing clinical signs than administration of prednisolone?
  77. Answered: In cats with permethrin intoxication is soybean oil-based IVLE therapy or olive oil-based (ClinOleic IVLE therapy) more effective in reducing time to recovery?
  78. Under Review: Does a balanced electrolyte solution or 0.9% saline more efficacious when treating male cats with a urinary obstruction?
  79. Under Review: In adult feline patients with chronic gingivostomatitis, does the combination of cyclosporine therapy and dental extractions compared to extractions alone lead to clinical improvement of oral lesions?
  80. Answered: In cats with mammary carcinomas undergoing surgical removal, does the addition of adjuvant chemotherapy compared with surgical removal alone result in increased survival time?
  81. Answered: In domestic cats in a shelter setting, does clicker training decrease behaviours associated with stress compared to no clicker training?
  82. Being Answered: In cats with diagnosed isolated rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament, does surgical intervention result in improved long-term function when compared with conservative management?
  83. Answered: In cats undergoing midline ovariohysterectomy, is the use of local infiltration anaesthesia with bupivacaine associated with a reduction in post-operative pain score?
  84. Answered: In male cats with urethral obstruction, does administration of prazosin compared with no administration of prazosin reduce the incidence of reoccurrence of urethral obstruction?
  85. Answer Me: In cats, does the presence of gastric Helicobacter spp., compared to their absence, increase the risk of developing gastritis?
  86. Being Answered: In cats does neutering versus non-neutering reduce the risk of mammary tumours?
  87. Being Answered: Does the serum symmetric dimethylarginine (sSDMA) assay have greater utility in diagnosing renal disease in non-domestic felids than serum creatinine (sCr) measurements?
  88. Being Answered: In cats with IRIS stage III or IV chronic renal disease, does propofol co-induction with ketamine or midazolam reduce the risk of hypotension and oxidative red blood cell damage compared to induction with propofol as a sole agent?
  89. Answered: In cats with chronic gingivostomatitis, does using intravenous mesenchymal stem cell therapy, compared to not using it, lead to the improvement of clinical signs?
  90. Being Answered: In cats with chronic diarrhoea is the presence of ultrasound changes (intestinal wall change, lymphadenopathy) more likely to indicate lymphoma compared to inflammatory enteropathy?
  91. Answered: In cats with osteoarthritis (OA), does the oral supplementation of cannabidiol (CBD) oil, compared to conventional treatment alone, improve treatment outcomes of reducing pain and improving locomotion?
  92. Being Answered: Does performing decompressive cystocentesis prior to urinary catheterization in male cats with urethral obstruction reduce the length of hospitalisation compared to no prior intervention?
  93. Answer Me: Does performing decompressive cystocentesis prior to urinary catheterization in male cats with urethral obstruction reduce the length of hospitalisation compared to no prior intervention?
  94. Answered: In female cats undergoing routine ovariohysterectomy, is using methadone in the anaesthetic protocol associated with lower post-operative pain scores, compared to buprenorphine?
  95. Being Answered: In cats with chronic kidney disease, does using mesenchymal stem cell therapy, compared to not using it, lead to the improvement of renal function?
  96. Being Answered: In cats with diabetes mellitus, does stabilisation of glycemia using SGLT2 inhibitors compared to insulin therapy, incur less episodes of hypoglycemia?
  97. Being Answered: In adult cats with non-obstructive feline idiopathic cystitis, does subcutaneous or oral treatment with glycosaminoglycans compared to no treatment of glycosaminoglycans reduce the risk of recurrence?
  98. Being Answered: In cats with FIV/FeLV that develop IMHA, what is their prognosis?
  99. Being Answered: In hospitalised domestic cats, does the use of hiding boxes compared to no intervention reduce fear and stress?
  100. Being Answered: In cats with hyperthyroidism does radioiodine treatment with I-131 have a better treatment outcome than Thiamazole or Methimazole treatment?
  101. Being Answered: Does bladder lavage with saline reduce the rate of recurrence of urethral obstruction (UO) due to urolithiases?
  102. Being Answered: Are pancreatic lipase tests as sensitive as abdominal ultrasound for diagnosing feline patients with pancreatitis?
  103. Being Answered:In cats with closed diaphyseal tibial fractures, does internal fixation when compared to external fixation, result in a lower post operative complication rate?
  104. Being Answered:In hyperthyroid cats is treatment with transdermal medication compared to treatment with oral medication as effective at lowering T4 concentrations?
  105. Being Answered: In cats, does FIV infection, compared to absence of FIV infection, increase the risk of dental resorptive lesions?
  106. Being Answered: In cats with mammary gland tumours, is cytology compared to histopathology an accurate method for predicting the malignancy of the tumour?
  107. Answer Me: In healthy cats, is pregabalin compared to gabapentin less likely to reduce blood pressure when used as a preappointment anxiolytic?
  108. Being Answered: In cats with traumatic brain injury, is Hypertonic Saline more effective than Lactated Ringer's solution (LRS), when measuring survival?

  1. Being Answered: In laboratory personnel, does the use of accelerated hydrogen peroxide foot baths/mats compared to quaternary ammonia foot baths/mat result in less microbial contamination of footwear in lab areas?
  2. Being Answered: In veterinary patients undergoing surgery does the use of a surgical safety checklist, compared to not using one, reduce the amount of perioperative errors?
  3. Being Answered: During venous catheter placement preparation, does the use of a mechanical scrub technique compared to a single wipe of the proposed area, reduce the incidence of catheter site infection?
  4. Answered: Pet ownership in the homeless population: do pets improve mental health status?
  5. Answered: In patients undergoing surgical preparation is the friction (back and forth method) compared to using concentric circles more effective in reducing infection (reduce CFU)?
  6. Answered: In small animal veterinary professionals, does implementation of an educational intervention, when compared to no intervention, improve hand hygiene compliance?
  7. Under Review: In clients attending a first opinion veterinary consultation does veterinary professional utilisation of a consultation communication framework (CCF) compared with not utilising a CCF result in improved satisfaction with the consultation?
  8. Answered: Is the TTA RAPID technique associated with more tibial diaphyseal fractures compared to traditional TTA?
  9. Being Answered: In staff working in general small animal practice is there evidence of higher levels of exposure to Brucella canis compared to the general population?
  10. Being Answered: In veterinary professionals, does the implementation of standardised cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, when compared to no training, improve confidence in performing CPR?
  11. TBC
  12. Answered: Non-Clinical Benefits of Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine
  13. Answered: Does Physical Therapy after a TPLO Lead to Improvement of the 1-Year Postoperative Peak Vertical Force?
  14. Answered: Can I hang? Ideal time to replace IV fluids and sets to prevent fluid contamination and blood stream infection
  15. Answered: Choice of Suture Pattern for Linea Alba Closure
  16. Being Answered: In veterinary patients with peripheral intravenous catheters does catheter replacement every 72 hours compared to continuous maintenance reduce the risk of catheter associated infections?
  17. Answered: Does the use of disposable synthetic drapes as opposed to reusable woven drapes decrease the amount of surgical site infections in animals undergoing surgical procedures?
  18. Being Answered: In dogs and cats undergoing general anaesthesia, does insulating the extremities compared with not insulating extremities result in improved maintenance of normothermia?
  19. Being Answered: During patient handovers, does the implementation of documentation or a standardised procedure improve the success of the handover process and patient welfare?
  20. Answered: Compared to in-person consultations, does telemedicine lead to similar levels of client and clinician satisfaction?

  1. Answered: In dairy cow management do sand or composted bedding compared with rubber matting result in fewer disease incidence consequences?
  2. Under Review: In dairy herds, do live IBR vaccine protocols provide the same or greater protection than killed IBR vaccine protocols?
  3. Being Answered: In neonatal dairy calves, does navel disinfection reduce the incidence of navel infections?
  4. Under Review: In neonatal lambs, does navel disinfection reduce the incidence of navel infections?
  5. Under Review: In cows with interdigital necrobacillosis, does topical antimicrobial therapy in addition to systemic antimicrobial therapy compared with systemic antimicrobials only result in improved indices of recovery?
  6. Under Review: In the detection of pregnancy of cows 35 days and before, is the use of a pregnancy specific protein B blood test of similar sensitivity and specificity when compared to per rectal examination?
  7. Answered: In sheep exposed to caseous lyphadenitis what is the reduction in the risk of clinical disease in vaccinated sheep when compared to unvaccinated sheep?
  8. Being Answered: In calves undergoing disbudding with local anaesthetic, do NSAIDS administered at the time of the procedure reduce signs of post-operative pain compared to local anaesthetic alone?
  9. Answered: In lambs less than 7 days old undergoing castration with rubber rings does administration of local anaesthetic compared to no local anaesthetic result in a reduction of pain-related behaviours?
  10. Answered: In adult dairy cows with ovarian follicular cysts, does treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone compared to human chorionic gonadotropin result in more rapid return to normal cyclicity?
  11. Under Review: In cows with a left sided displaced abomasum, is there a difference in clinical outcomes when a right sided approach is compared to a left sided approach
  12. Under Review: In beef cattle affected with Actinobacillus lignieresii (woody tongue) does treatment with sodium iodide alone compared to sodium iodide plus oxytetracycline result in faster resolution of clinical signs?
  13. Under Review: In post-parturient cows, with obturator nerve paralysis, does treatment with dexamethasone and flunixin meglumine result in faster return to function (weight bearing and ambulatory) than treatment with dexamethasone alone?
  14. Under Review: In adult cattle with osteoarthritis, does treatment with an NSAID more effectively reduce lameness as measured by a clinical score of 1-5 better than glycosaminoglycan?
  15. Answered: In newborn piglets does drying versus no intervention reduce the risk of mortality pre-weaning?
  16. Answered: What is the evidence for intra-peritoneal fluid therapy of dehydration in neonatal calves?
  17. Answered: What are the performance and behavioural effects of separating dairy cows and their calves at birth?
  18. Under Review: In bulls does large scrotal circumference compared to a small scrotal circumference result in improved reproductive traits in female progeny?
  19. Answered: Does heat stress affect immune function in dairy cows?
  20. Answered: In dairy cows with clinical mastitis do parenteral antibiotics in addition to intramammary antibiotics improve clinical cure rates compared to intramammary antibiotics only?
  21. Answered: What are the production effects of varying age at first calving in dairy cows?
  22. Answered: In auction market calves at high risk of developing BRD, does delayed (14-30 days) vaccination with a modified live respiratory pathogen vaccine (MLV) versus administration of MLV on-arrival (within 24 hours of arrival) to the feedlot, result in a decreased percentage of calves with BRD morbidity diagnosed based on visual signs and rectal temperature >40 degrees celsius?
  23. Under Review: In piglets raised in indoor intensive housing, does two iron injections of 200 mg versus one 200 mg iron injection improve growth rates?
  24. Under Review: In cows, does vitamin E supplementation compared to no supplementation result in improved reproductive parameters?
  25. Answered: In calves undergoing castration without local anaesthetic, do NSAIDs administered either before, during or after the procedure reduce signs of post-operative pain?
  26. Answered: The effectiveness of oxytetracycline in the treatment of calves with contracted flexor tendonsIn [neonatal calves with contracted flexor tendons] is the use of a [three-day course of oxytetracycline in conjunction with other treatments] more effective in [returning the hoof to normal full weight bearing on both the toe and heel] compared to [no oxytetracycline]?
  27. Answered: In healthy lambs, does the administration of local anaesthetic reduce the pain response after castration and tail docking compared to the administration of meloxicam?
  28. Answered: In auction market calves at high risk of developing BRD, does delayed (14-30 days) vaccination with a modified live respiratory pathogen vaccine (MLV) versus administration of MLV on-arrival (within 24 hours of arrival) to the stocker operation, result in less calves with BRD morbidity diagnosed based on visual signs and rectal temperature >40 degrees Celsius, or less calves with BRD mortality?
  29. Answered: In intensively-farmed pigs, are there lower incidences of injuries from tail biting when enrichment is provided compared to no enrichment?
  30. Answered: In dairy cows with ketosis does treatment with glucocorticoids, as an adjunct to propylene glycol, compared with propylene glycol alone lead to better clinical outcomes?
  31. Being Answered: In piglets in indoor housing systems, does pre-weaning socialisation with non-littermates compared to no pre-weaning socialisation with non-littermates result in lower weaning stress when regrouped with unfamiliar piglets post-weaning?
  32. Answered: In adult cattle, is the sensitivity of the coproantigen ELISA test equal to or superior to the sensitivity of the faecal egg sedimentation test for the diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica?
  33. Answered: In periparturient cows does the administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) aid in reducing pain-related behaviours after parturition when compared to cows not administered NSAIDs?
  34. Being Answered: In sheep undergoing general anaesthesia does inclusion of medetomidine as part of the anaesthetic protocol increase the prevalence of hypoxaemia?
  35. Under Review: In milk fed calves does increased milk provision (more than 6 litres/ day) compared to restricted fed (less than 6 litres per day) lead to less cross suckling?
  36. Under Review: In weaned piglets does the provision of hanging enrichment versus no enrichment impact on tail biting?
  37. Being Answered: In dairy calf rearing systems (pre-weaning) does single housing in comparison to group housing result in improvements in calf health and welfare?
  38. Being Answered: In pig farming systems utilizing fostering practices, how does the reproductive performance and welfare of nurse sow compare to that of non-nurse sow?
  39. Being Answered: In cows affected by clinical endometritis at more than 30 days post partum, does the use of intrauterine antimicrobials compared to prostaglandins improve the chances of clinical resolution?
  40. Being Answered: In dairy cattle, does the methanogenesis inhibitor 3-nitrooxypropanol (Bovaer®) affect milk yield compared to cows that receive no intervention to reduce enteric methane emissions?

  1. Answered: In ferrets with adrenocortical disease, does treatment with deslorelin acetate compared to surgery result in a better prognosis?
  2. Answered: In rabbits displaying signs of anxiety/fear does the use of mirrors compared to no mirrors reduce the signs of anxiety/fear?
  3. Answered: In small animal surgery are alcoholic hand rubs superior than scrubbing brushes and antimicrobial soap at reducing bacterial counts?
  4. Answered: Comparison of 1mg/kg vs 0.2mg/kg of oral meloxicam for safe and effective analgesia in domestic rabbits
  5. Answered: In reducing surgical recovery time in rabbits, is twice daily administration of meloxicam more effective than a single daily dose?
  6. Answered: In rabbits undergoing general anesthesia does the use of v-gel result in superior outcomes when compared to other airway management devices?
  7. Answered: In rabbits with cheyletiellosis does topical selamectin or injectable ivermectin have better treatment efficacy?
  8. Answered: Is ultrasound or radiography more sensitive at detecting small intestinal obstructions in small animals?
  9. Under Review: In guinea pigs, does feeding dicotyledonous green leaves (leafy greens) no more than once weekly compared to feeding leafy greens daily result in a reduced risk of urolithiasis?
  10. Being Answered: In hospitalised cats and dogs, does regular flushing of an intravenous catheter with heparanised saline improve patency, in comparison to flushing with non-heparanised saline?
  11. Under Review: Is creatinine more sensitive and specific than urea for diagnosing chronic renal disease in cats and dogs?
  12. Being Answered: In domestic rabbits, does the administration of buprenorphine reduce gastrointestinal motility in rabbits when compared to no treatment?'
  13. Being Answered: In small animal surgery does the use of a forced air warming blanket during the intra operative phase compared to other active warming methods increase the risk of surgical site infections?
  14. Being Answered: In small animal anaesthesia, does the use of active and passive heating together during the perioperative stage, compared with using only active heating, reduce the incidence of hypothermia?
  15. Answered: Does medical management of liver lobe torsion in rabbits result in lower mortality rates compared with surgical intervention?
  16. Under Review: In Otitis Externa in dogs and cats, does the use of in-house cytology before treatment compared with no in-house cytology, reduce the likelihood of relapse within a 6-month period?
  17. Being Answered: In dogs and cats with clinical toxoplasmosis, does pyrimethamine result in reduced time to clinical remission or reduced mortality compared with clindamycin?
  18. Being Answered: In domestic rabbits undergoing anaesthesia, how does the use of supraglottic airway devices compare to endotracheal intubation for ease of use in achieving a patent airway and maintaining a stable anaesthesia?
  19. Under Review: In dogs and cats undergoing intravenous catheter placement does the use of chlorhexidine and alcohol have greater antimicrobial action than alcohol alone when used to prepare the intended catheter site?
  20. Under Review: In lop-eared rabbits, does routine ear cleaning compared to no cleaning reduce the risk of aural diverticulosis?
  21. Answer Me: In dogs and cats undergoing hospitalisation, does intermittent flushing with heparinised saline improve central venous catheter patency compared with normal saline?
  22. Being Answered: Is tramadol hydrochloride alone effective in providing analgesia in rabbits?
  23. Being Answered: In dogs and cats receiving blood transfusions, does administration via gravity flow compared to any other administration strategy improve any outcomes?
  24. Answered: In dogs and cats after surgery, does the peri-operative administration of injectable or oral metamizole (dipyrone) as opposed to no intervention result in lower postoperative pain scores or higher incidence of side effects?
  25. Being Answered: In rabbits with osteoarthritis, does the does the use of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation, compared to no use of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation, result in improved mobility and reduced pain?
  26. Being Answered: In cats and dogs undergoing general anaesthesia, does insulating the extremities compared to not insulating the extremities result in improved maintenance of core body temperature?
  27. Being Answered: In adult rabbits diagnosed with a thymoma does radiotherapy compared to no treatment result in longer life expectancy?
  28. Answered: In small animals undergoing theatre based surgical procedures, does having all theatre personnel masked compared with not having all theatre personnel masked result in a reduced incidence of surgical site infections?
  29. Being Answered: In rats recovering from surgery, does meloxicam administration compared to no analgesia administration reduce physiologic and behavioural expressions of postoperative pain?
  30. Being Answered: Do brachycephalic rabbit breeds experience a higher prevalence of dental pathologies compared to non-brachycephalic breeds?
  31. Being Answered: In companion animals undergoing surgery, does the reuse of endotracheal tubes following common sterilisation protocols, compared to the use of single-use endotracheal tubes, increase the risk of postoperative respiratory infections?
  32. Being Answered: In rodents with osteomyelitis/osteitis does the use of HBOT in combination with antimicrobials compared to antimicrobial alone result in improvement in clinical outcomes?