In Dogs With Traumatic Elbow Luxation, Does Treatment Using Closed Reduction and Conservative Management Have a Better Prognosis Than Those Treated With Open Reduction and Surgery?

  • Barnaby Luke Dean Langford Vets Small Animal Hospital / University of Bristol Langford Bristol BS40 5DU



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Clinical bottom line:

In the available literature, cases of traumatic elbow luxation managed by closed reduction appear to have a better long-term prognosis  than cases managed by open reduction and surgical stabilisation. That being said, it is important to consider that the poorer outcome in surgically-managed cases could reflect the severity or chronicity of the injury rather than the treatment method itself, or indeed could reflect a combination of the two.

Closed reduction of traumatic canine elbow luxation should be attempted in all cases as soon as possible as this is associated with a better prognosis. Should closed reduction not be possible, or should the elbow remain unstable or reluxate following closed reduction, surgical intervention is indicated. Joint immobilisation is recommended with either a Robert Jones bandage or splinted bandage for two-to-four weeks following treatment.


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Vol. 2 No. 4 (2017): The fourth issue of 2017

Section: Knowledge Summaries

Categories :  Small Animal  /  Dogs  /  Cats  /  Rabbits  /  Production Animal  /  Cattle  /  Sheep  /  Pig  /  Equine  /  Exotics  /