Join the editorial team

Veterinary Evidence relies on the collaboration between the editorial staff based at RCVS Knowledge in London, UK, and our Editor in Chief, Deputy Editor in Chief, and Associate Editors, supported by our international Editorial Board and peer reviewers from the veterinary community.

We are looking to expand the editorial team, and we are currently seeking the following roles.

Associate Editors

Associate Editors play a crucial role in the work of the journal. All submissions to the journal are handled by an Associate Editor specialising in the relevant topic area. Associate Editors undertake preliminary checks, work with authors to ensure submissions are ready for peer review, and make decision recommendations based on peer review reports.

We are particularly seeking Associate Editors in the following specialties, but we welcome queries from individuals interested in other areas.

  • small animal surgery
  • small animal medicine
  • equine
  • production animals
  • oncology
  • exotic animals
  • clinical governance

If you are interested in being an Associate Editor for Veterinary Evidence, please contact us at

Peer reviewers

Getting involved in the peer review process can be a rewarding experience that can improve your own research and appraisal skills, as well as the opportunity to view the latest research in your area.

If you’re new to peer review, we run a mentorship program to pair new reviewers with more experienced reviewers.

For more information see How to become a peer reviewer for Veterinary Evidence.