PICO question
In veterinary patients is the friction (back and forth) method of scrubbing the skin more effective than concentric circles at reducing bacterial levels on the skin?
Clinical bottom line
Currently there is insufficient evidence to indicate whether the friction (back and forth) method of scrubbing the skin is more effective than the concentric circle method at reducing bacterial levels on the skin.

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McDonald, C. P., Lowe, P., Roy. A., Robbins. S., Hartley, S., Harrison, J. F., Slopecki, A., Verlander, N. and Barbara, J. A. J. (2001) ‘Evaluation of donor arm disinfection techniques’, Vox Sanguinis, Vol 80 (3), pp 135-141. DOI:
Swales, N. and Cogan, T. (2017) ‘Failure to achieve asepsis following surgical skin preparation is influenced by bacterial resistance to Chlorhexidine, but not skin preparation technique’, Veterinary Nursing Journal, Vol 32, (8), pp224-227. DOI:
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