The Use of Antibiotics in Broodmares With Post-service Endometritis

  • Elizabeth Leigh Barter Rossdales and Partners Beaufort Cottage Laboratories High Street Newmarket Suffolk CB8 8JS
  • Annalisa Barrelet Rossdales and Partners Beaufort Cottage Laboratories High Street Newmarket Suffolk CB8 8JS



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There is currently a lack of evidence to suggest that antibiotics delivered into the uterus post-service improves pregnancy rates. The evidence does support that post-service treatment with or without antibiotics improves pregnancy rates in mares with endometritis compared to no treatment (pregnancy rates between 40-90% compared to 0-56% respectively). The studies further identify the need to recognise mares at risk of post-service endometritis to target appropriate therapy.

Open Access Peer Reviewed


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Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): The first issue of 2018

Section: Knowledge Summaries

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