PICO question
In cats with hyperthyroidism, does an iodine-restricted diet normalise the serum TT4 (total thyroxine) levels and reduce the severity of the clinical signs when compared to cats on a normal diet?
Clinical bottom line
Whilst there is some evidence that iodine-restricted diets can help to renormalise serum TT4 in cats with hyperthyroidism, this is not always effective and there is a lack of compelling evidence to suggest this is associated with a resolution of clinical signs in the long-term.
Fritsch, D., Allen, T., Dodd, C., Wedekind, K. & Sixby, K. 2014. A Restricted Iodine Food Reduces Circulating Thyroxine Concentrations in Cats with Hyperthyroidism. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, 12(1), pp.24–32.
Hui, T., Bruyette, D., Moore, G. & Scott-Moncrieff, J. 2015. Effect of Feeding an Iodine-Restricted Diet in Cats with Spontaneous Hyperthyroidism. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29(4), pp.1063–1068.
van der Kooij, M., Becvarova, I., Meyer, H., Teske, E. & Kooistra, 2014. Effects of an iodine-restricted food on client-owned cats with hyperthyroidism. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 16(6), pp.491–498.
Vaske, H., Armbrust, L., Zicker, S., Jewell, D. & Grauer, G. Assessment of Renal Function in Hyperthyroid Cats Managed with a Controlled Iodine Diet. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, 14(1), pp.38–48.
Scott-Moncrieff, J., Heng, H., Weng, H., Diemo, D. & Jones, M. Effect of a Limited Iodine Diet on Iodine Uptake by Thyroid Glands in Hyperthyroid Cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29, pp.1322–1326.
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