Does Grain Actually Predispose Our Cats to Gain Weight?

  • Yaiza Gomez-Mejias Meow MRCVS Ltd 40 St Hildas Road Stretford Manchester M16 9PQ



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PICO question

In adult cats, does feeding grain free maintenance diet reduce the risk of obesity compared to feeding a maintenance diet containing grains?

Clinical bottom line

There is no evidence showing feeding grain free maintenance diet reduces the risk of obesity compared to feeding a maintenance diet containing grains.

Open Access Peer Reviewed


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EBVM Toolkit 3 - Introduction to “Levels of evidence” and study design. Retrieved from May 13, 2019





Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): The second issue of 2019

Section: Knowledge Summaries

Categories :  Small Animal  /  Dogs  /  Cats  /  Rabbits  /  Production Animal  /  Cattle  /  Sheep  /  Pig  /  Equine  /  Exotics  /