Search Results
Is the Use of Hypertonic Saline Effective in Reducing Intracranial Pressure After Traumatic Brain Injury in Dogs?
Alex Tischer & Ava Firth
In Dogs With Pyothorax Does Medical Management Alone, Invasive Medical Management, or Surgical Management Result in Better Long-term Outcome?
Barnaby Luke Dean & Sophie Adamantos
Does the Use of Lidocaine in Dogs and Cats Reduce Post-Operative Tracheitis?
Erik Davis Fausak & Kirsten Soules
Epileptic Seizures Versus Syncope: Pathophysiology and Clinical Approach
Marios Charalambous & Sergio A. Gomes , et al.
Are Dogs That Are Fed from a Raised Bowl at an Increased Risk of Gastric Dilation Volvulus Compared with Floor-Fed Dogs?
Louise Anne Buckley
Evidence Supporting Intralesional Stem Cell Therapy to Improve Equine Flexor Tendon Healing
Sushmitha Durgam & Matthew Stewart
Are Dogs That Eat Quickly More Likely to Develop a Gastric Dilatation (+/- Volvulus) Than Dogs That Eat Slowly?
Louise Anne Buckley
Can I Hang? Ideal Time to Replace Isotonic Crystalloid Intravenous Fluids and Sets to Prevent Fluid Contamination and Blood Stream Infection: a Knowledge Summary
Erik Davis Fausak & Samantha Rae Spelts , et al.
Does Physical Therapy after a TPLO Lead to Improvement of the 1-Year Post-Operative Peak Vertical Force?
Andrea Faure Beaulieu & Antonio Pozzi
Which is More Effective in Altering the Intra-Gastric pH in Dogs, Omeprazole or Ranitidine?
Adam Swallow