Search Results
Comparison of the safety of alfaxalone and propofol as anaesthetic induction agents in bitches undergoing c-section
Benjamin Haythornthwaite
A critical appraisal of the literature exploring the surgical treatment of degenerative lumbosacral stenosis in dogs
Sara Silva & L. Miguel Carreira , et al.
Outcome of Electrosurgery Versus Scalpel Blade for Intestinal Incisions in Dogs
Emmanouil Tzimtzimis
Does Adding Transdermal Nitroglycerine to Other Therapies Used for Management of Left-sided Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs Speed the Resolution of Clinical Signs?
Jenefer R Stillion & Søren R Boysen
Clinical Effect of Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy Compared to Lateral Fabellar Suture in Dogs
Wanda J Gordon-Evans
In dogs undergoing extrahepatic portosystemic shunt attenuation, does pretreatment with levetiracetam reduce postoperative seizure incidence?
Connor Hawes & Kali Lazzerini
Does surgical or medical management of extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs carry a better prognosis for the resolution and reduction of neurological dysfunction?
Julia Smachlo & Wanda Gordon-Evans
Does occurrence of ventricular arrhythmia reduce the survival rate in dogs with gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV)?
Madeleine Thomson
Does medical or surgical treatment for aortic stenosis improve outcome in dogs?
Julia Thomas & Sophie Marshall , et al.
Erratum to: In canine acute diarrhoea with no identifiable cause, does daily oral probiotic improve the clinical outcomes?
Jacqueline Oi Ping Tong
Is There Any Evidence to Support the Use of Garlic as a Wormer for Dogs and Cats in the UK?
Louise Buckley
Is an Anchoring or Pocket Technique Best for Surgical Repair of Cherry Eye in Dogs?
Jim Connah
Which Sternotomy Closure Method (Orthopaedic Wire or Suture) Is Recommended in Large Breed Dogs Undergoing a Median Sternotomy?
Charlotte Howes & Guillaume Chanoit
Epileptic Seizures Versus Syncope: Pathophysiology and Clinical Approach
Marios Charalambous & Sergio A. Gomes , et al.
Erratum to: Comparing the effectiveness of clomipramine and fluoxetine in dogs with anxiety-related behaviours
Olivia Williamson & Valery Varela , et al.
In cats undergoing midline ovariohysterectomy, is the use of local anaesthesia with bupivacaine associated with a reduction in postoperative pain score?
Tara Freeman & Amelia Wisbey , et al.
Borrelia burgdorferi exposure in coyotes: an indicator of B. burgdorferi levels in urban versus rural environments
Laura Shultz & Erik Fausak