Search Results
Is a cross-match necessary before a cat’s first blood transfusion?
Ben Safrany & Sophie Adamantos
In female dogs undergoing elective neutering is ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy superior?
Catrina Pennington
Comparison of epidural morphine and buprenorphine for hindlimb orthopaedic surgery in dogs
Thomas Towers
It is unclear what impact pheromonotherapy has on stress in dogs in shelter environments
Tighearnan Fiachra Mooney
Insufficient evidence intraperitoneal fluid is equivalent or superior to intravenous fluid therapy in dehydrated calves
Allan John Gunn & Timothy Crawshaw , et al.
The prevalence of positive urine cultures in 100 dogs with an inactive urine sediment
Rachel Liebelt & Armi Pigott
In canine acute diarrhoea with no identifiable cause, does daily oral probiotic improve the clinical outcomes?
Jacqueline Oi Ping Tong
In newborn piglets does drying versus no intervention reduce the risk of mortality pre-weaning?
Nicola Blackie
Performance and Behavioural Effects of Separating Dairy Cows and Their Calves at Birth
Michael Steele
In Dogs With Chronic Enteropathies, Can Oral B12 Tablets Be Used to Treat Hypocobalaminaemia?
Avril McGinn
Do Oral or Minimally Invasive Cheek Tooth Extraction Techniques Reduce the Incidence of Post-operative Complications in the Horse When Compared to Repulsion Methods?
Victoria Anne Colgate & Claire Elizabeth Wylie , et al.
In Dogs With a European Adder Bite, Does the Use of Antivenom With Supportive Treatment Compared to Supportive Treatment Alone Improve Time to Recovery?
Lindsay Hodgson & Giorgia Brambilla
Putting the Horse Before the Cart: the Ethical Case for Animal Patient Values in EBVM
David Mills
In Dogs With Pyothorax Does Medical Management Alone, Invasive Medical Management, or Surgical Management Result in Better Long-term Outcome?
Barnaby Luke Dean & Sophie Adamantos
Is the Simplicity of the Evidence Pyramid Actually Detrimental for Understanding Evidence?
Annette O'Connor
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask the Question: A Simple Guide for Veterinary Nurses to Conducting Evidence-Based Research in Clinical Practice
Sue Badger & Andrea Jeffery
Are Dogs That Are Fed from a Raised Bowl at an Increased Risk of Gastric Dilation Volvulus Compared with Floor-Fed Dogs?
Louise Anne Buckley
Can I Hang? Ideal Time to Replace Isotonic Crystalloid Intravenous Fluids and Sets to Prevent Fluid Contamination and Blood Stream Infection: a Knowledge Summary
Erik Davis Fausak & Samantha Rae Spelts , et al.