Search Results
Comparison of the safety of alfaxalone and propofol as anaesthetic induction agents in bitches undergoing c-section
Benjamin Haythornthwaite
Is a cross-match necessary before a cat’s first blood transfusion?
Ben Safrany & Sophie Adamantos
Field trials and tribulations: mortality, morbidity and liveweight following multivalent clostridial and Pasteurella vaccination of lambs on six English commercial sheep flocks
Clare J Phythian & Mike J Glover , et al.
An evaluation of the use of ronidazole for the treatment of Tritrichomonas foetus in cats
Genever Bethan Morgan
Performance and Behavioural Effects of Separating Dairy Cows and Their Calves at Birth
Michael Steele
Does the Use of Intratesticular Blocks in Dogs Undergoing Orchiectomies Serve as an Effective Adjunctive Analgesic?
Erik Davis Fausak & Elizabeth Rodriguez , et al.
Do Oral or Minimally Invasive Cheek Tooth Extraction Techniques Reduce the Incidence of Post-operative Complications in the Horse When Compared to Repulsion Methods?
Victoria Anne Colgate & Claire Elizabeth Wylie , et al.
Is the Use of Hypertonic Saline Effective in Reducing Intracranial Pressure After Traumatic Brain Injury in Dogs?
Alex Tischer & Ava Firth
Are Dogs That Are Fed from a Raised Bowl at an Increased Risk of Gastric Dilation Volvulus Compared with Floor-Fed Dogs?
Louise Anne Buckley
Ultrasonographic detection of cranial cruciate ligament pathology in canine stifles without cranio-caudal instability
Helen Tsoi & Sherman Canapp , et al.
Evidence-Based Healthcare: The Importance of Effective Interprofessional Working for High Quality Veterinary Services, a UK Example
Tierney Kinnison & Stephen A May
Among homeless individuals, does owning a pet improve their mental health?
Kimberly Conway
In Dogs With Chronic Enteropathies, Can Oral B12 Tablets Be Used to Treat Hypocobalaminaemia?
Avril McGinn
Should Levetiracetam or Imepitoin Be Used in Preference as Second-line Treatment in Pharmacoresistent Epileptic Cats?
Sophie Elizabeth Wyatt
Comparison of 0.2 Mg/kg Vs. 1.0 Mg/kg of Oral Meloxicam for Safe and Effective Analgesia in Domestic Rabbits
Katherine Nield & Merran Govendir
Is an Anchoring or Pocket Technique Best for Surgical Repair of Cherry Eye in Dogs?
Jim Connah
Does the Use of Intratesticular Blocks in Cats Undergoing Orchiectomies Serve as an Effective Adjunctive Analgesic?
Erik Fausak & Elizabeth Rodriguez , et al.
Is Topical or Systemic Antimicrobial Therapy More Effective for the Treatment of Feline Acne With Secondary Bacterial Infection?
Wendy Kwok & Kate Charlotte Mellor