Search Results
A comparison of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin in dairy cows with ovarian follicular cysts
Kathryn Kesler & Grace Longcore , et al.
Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatories: Does carprofen or meloxicam have fewer gastrointestinal side effects?
Aaron Harold Andrew Fletcher
It is unclear what impact pheromonotherapy has on stress in dogs in shelter environments
Tighearnan Fiachra Mooney
In Horses With Chronic Laminitis, Do Venograms Compared to Plain Radiographs Give Greater Diagnostic or Prognostic Information?
Claire E Wylie & Christopher C Pollitt
Exploring the motivations, challenges, and barriers for implementing evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) in general practice
Laura Haddock & Sarah Baillie , et al.
Delayed versus on arrival modified live viral vaccination in stocker cattle on bovine respiratory disease
Ashlee Ambs & Heather K. Moberly , et al.
Evidence-Based Healthcare: The Importance of Effective Interprofessional Working for High Quality Veterinary Services, a UK Example
Tierney Kinnison & Stephen A May
Can I Hang? Ideal Time to Replace Isotonic Crystalloid Intravenous Fluids and Sets to Prevent Fluid Contamination and Blood Stream Infection: a Knowledge Summary
Erik Davis Fausak & Samantha Rae Spelts , et al.
Comparison of alfaxalone versus propofol as anaesthetic induction agents in increasing the rate of survival and vigour of neonates
Lesca Monica Sofyan & Fernando Martinez-Taboada
Which is More Effective in Altering the Intra-Gastric pH in Dogs, Omeprazole or Ranitidine?
Adam Swallow
In horses undergoing volatile anaesthesia, is recovery quality superior with sevoflurane compared to isoflurane?
Alexandra Robinson & Tsim Christopher Sun , et al.
Comparison of the effect of marine-derived omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FAs) as an adjunct to a non-steroidal inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy vs NSAID therapy alone, for dogs with osteoarthritis
Lok Yee Stephanie Wong & Merran Govendir
Surgery in Epilepsy – How Advances in Human Neurology Can Benefit Veterinary Patients
Marios Charalambous
Does the use of topical honey result in a faster rate of second intention wound healing in dogs?
Louisa Marcombes
Comparison of epidural morphine and buprenorphine for hindlimb orthopaedic surgery in dogs
Thomas Towers