Search Results
Evaluation of Cosmetic Results of Surgical Wound Closure in Dogs
Rachel Williams & Wanda Gordon-Evans , et al.
In horses undergoing volatile anaesthesia, is recovery quality superior with sevoflurane compared to isoflurane?
Alexandra Robinson & Tsim Christopher Sun , et al.
In cats undergoing midline ovariohysterectomy, is the use of local anaesthesia with bupivacaine associated with a reduction in postoperative pain score?
Tara Freeman & Amelia Wisbey , et al.
What prognostic information does flow cytometry provide in canine B-cell lymphoma?
Benjamin Haythornthwaite
In bitches, is ovariectomy/ovariohysterectomy by laparoscopy less painful postoperatively than by midline open laparotomy?
Chris Webb & Julia Deutsch
In dogs undergoing elective procedures is medetomidine superior to acepromazine when used as a premedication?
Rebecca Littlehales
In cats and dogs with traumatic diaphragmatic rupture, does surgical timing affect outcome?
Alison Robertson
Epileptic Seizures Versus Syncope: Pathophysiology and Clinical Approach
Marios Charalambous & Sergio A. Gomes , et al.
Comparing internal versus external fixation for diaphyseal tibial and fibular fractures in skeletally immature dogs
Jake Chitty & Paul Aldridge
Comparison of alfaxalone versus propofol as anaesthetic induction agents in increasing the rate of survival and vigour of neonates
Lesca Monica Sofyan & Fernando Martinez-Taboada
Can I Hang? Ideal Time to Replace Isotonic Crystalloid Intravenous Fluids and Sets to Prevent Fluid Contamination and Blood Stream Infection: a Knowledge Summary
Erik Davis Fausak & Samantha Rae Spelts , et al.
The use of adjuvant chemotherapy in cats with mammary carcinomas undergoing surgical removal
Gabriela Gonzalez-Ormerod
When treating medial patellar luxation in dogs is a block trochleoplasty superior over a wedge trochleoplasty?
Maria Norell Candetoft
Comparison of the effect of marine-derived omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FAs) as an adjunct to a non-steroidal inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy vs NSAID therapy alone, for dogs with osteoarthritis
Lok Yee Stephanie Wong & Merran Govendir
Are dogs with hip dysplasia in less pain after total hip replacement than femoral head ostectomy?
Erica Rehnblom & Wanda J. Gordon-Evans
For horses undergoing general anaesthesia, are rope recoveries or free recoveries better?
Ffion Lloyd & Pamela Murison
In Dogs With a European Adder Bite, Does the Use of Antivenom With Supportive Treatment Compared to Supportive Treatment Alone Improve Time to Recovery?
Lindsay Hodgson & Giorgia Brambilla
In horses with secondary sinusitis caused by dental disease, is computed tomography more accurate than radiography for the identification of apical dental pathology?
Rebecca Gill-Parsons & Emma Shipman , et al.