As a peer-reviewer you are helping to advance science within your subject area by providing crucial feedback to authors. And by conducting a review you are also gaining CPD (see here for additional details).
Peer-review is vital to improving the quality and scientific standard of papers submitted to and published in Veterinary Evidence, and so you will be playing a very real part in progressing your area of research.
To give back to your area of expertise and to help it progress, you can become a reviewer for Veterinary Evidence in the following ways:
Register on our online submission and peer-review system, Editorial Manager
Editorial Manager will ask for your area of expertise, your reviewing interests and your contact details. By providing this information you will be added to our pool of reviewers, so when a relevant paper is submitted our Associate Editors will be able to search our database for appropriate reviewers to invite.
Join our reviewer mentor/mentee scheme
Peer-review can be daunting for both authors and reviewers. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer but are unsure where to start you can join our reviewer scheme.
You will be paired with a veteran reviewer based on area of expertise and reviewing interests. When a relevant paper is submitted you will both be invited to review, the mentor will provide guidance on the review process as well as submit a review of their own.
If you would like to be involved as a mentee or act as a mentor please contact us to register your interest.
Contact us
If you would like more information or have any queries please contact us.