How and why were you invited to review a manuscript?


Papers are submitted to Veterinary Evidence via our online submission system, Editorial Manager. All submissions are screened by journal editorial staff to ensure they fit within our submission criteria, then checked by the Associate Editor assigned to handle the manuscript. If the Associate Editor is satisfied that the manuscript is in scope and of sufficient quality, it will advance to peer review. Papers may be rejected at this stage.

If you have been invited to review a paper for Veterinary Evidence then you were selected because of one of the following:

  • The Associate Editor selected you from our pool of registered reviewers.
  • The authors suggested you, and after veing verified by our Editorial Office, you were added to our system and invited.
  • You were found by a search for potential reviewers on bibliographic databases or other sources
  • You were recommended by a member of the journal's Editorial Board or by another invited reviewers who was unable to review.