Thank you to our contributors: reflections on 2024
Peter Cockcroft, MA, MSc, MBA, Vet MB, DVM&DCHP, Dip ECBHM1*
1 School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7AL
* Corresponding author email: eic@veterinaryevidence.org
Vol 10, Issue 1 (2025)
Published: 31 Jan 2025
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18849/ve.v10i1.718
All submissions to Veterinary Evidence are handled by an Associate Editor specialising in the relevant topic area. We would like to thank these volunteer veterinary professionals for their expertise and time to support the journal. Associate Editors play a central role, assessing submitted papers, guiding the peer review process, and making decision recommendations based on peer review reports. We have welcomed six new Associate Editors to the journal in recent months, and we welcome new applications to join our editorial team. Our grateful thanks also extend to our peer reviewers, who are critical in ensuring we maintain the highest standards of excellence in our published articles.
In conjunction with our Editorial Board and publishing team, we have developed a new strategy for Veterinary Evidence, aiming to increase the visibility and findability of journal content and develop ways to measure real impact. We will aim to increase the volume and breadth of what we publish and expand the journal’s editorial capacity and capability to enable that. Quality remains central and we will continue to set strong standards for published content through our policies and processes, and to ensure we make the best use of the support from RCVS Knowledge, we will continually improve editorial processes and timelines to increase editorial efficiency and reduce publication timelines.
We are pleased to announce that Veterinary Evidence has recently been accepted for indexing in Scopus and has also been approved for inclusion in PubMed Central. The technical work for indexing to happen is underway, and we will continue to explore options to increase journal content visibility.
Knowledge Summaries guide readers through the evidence on a clinical question. To help with understanding the context of an included study, we have expanded the evidence summary sections to include the full title of the study, a link out to the original article, and a summary of the main aims. The journal continues to grow annually in terms of users and views, and in 2024 we saw a 13% increase in users and a 5% in page views. Submissions to the journal also continue at a steady rate.
The process for updating published Knowledge Summaries has now been agreed. The journal runs an annual report of Knowledge Summaries that have search dates (the date that the search was carried out) that are 3 to 4 years old. For that set of papers, we review the usage metrics (views, downloads, citations) and consider whether the questions remain clinically relevant. On this basis, the Editor in Chief will select the top five papers of interest under each of the main three species categories (small animal, production animal, and equine), and we will aim to publish updates of these knowledge summaries.
Finally, we would like to encourage the continued submission of clinical queries and papers for consideration for publication so that the journal can continue to thrive and go from strength to strength.
Professor Peter Cockcroft
Editor in Chief, Veterinary Evidence
Peer reviewers in 2024: 2024 Peer reviewers:
Jane Alexander
Fergus Allerton
Anthi Anatolitou
Máirín-Rua Ní Aodha
Anant Andy Banerjee
Duncan Barnes
Rachel Basa
Andrew Bell
Luca Bellini
Rebecca Bhalla
Jocelyn Bisson
Cameron Black
Nicola Blackie
Adrian Boswood
Sarah Bouyssou
Camilla Brocklehurst
Louise Buckley
John Campbell
Tom Candy
James Carmalt
Simbarashe Chipunga
Jake Chitty
John Chitty
Louise Clark
Ana Cloquell Miro
Gwen Covey-Crump
Amanda Curtis
Niranjala De Silva
Zoe Demery
Isabelle Desprez
Dave Dickson
Debbie Emmerson
Sally Everitt
Virginia Fajt
Marco Fantinati
Erik Fausak
Marisa Ferreira
Myra Forster-van-Hijfte
Ben Garland
Oliver Gilman
Eloi Guarnieri
Sandra Guillen
Simon Hagley
Emily Hall
Jennifer Hamlin
Katherine Hart
Annarita Imperante
Joanne Ireland
Erin Jones
Kenneth Joubert
Claire Kealey
Simone Kirby
Samantha Lindley
Alison Livesey
Loni Loftus
Tafara Mapuvire
Miltiadis Markou
Matthijs Metselaar
Paloma Moreno
Joanna Morris
Kristina Muise
Conor O’Halloran
James Oxley
Carolina Palacios Jimenez
Valentin Parmen
Christopher Parratt
Jonathan Pink
Marc Raffe
Ian Ramsey
Adam Revitt
Clara Rigotti
Emma Robertson
Janet Rodgers
Lynda Rutherford
Ian Self
Shameena Shajira
Bruce Smith
Eva Spada
Thaleia Stathopoulou
Emmelie Stock
Morag Sutherland
Adam Swallow
Emma Tallini
Sarah Tayler
Sumuduni Theminimulle
Ruchita Uttarwar
Nieky van Veggel
Enzo Vettorato
Kate White
Diana Williams
Kirsty Young
Bozena Zaleska
Peter Cockcroft: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0090-07060
Contribute to the evidence
There are two main ways you can contribute to the evidence base while also enhancing your CPD:
- Tell us your information need
- Write a Knowledge Summary
Either way, you will be helping to add to the evidence base, and strengthen the decisions that veterinary professionals around the world make to give animals the best possible care.
Learn more here: https://veterinaryevidence.org/index.php/ve/guidelines-for-authors
Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Cockcroft
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Veterinary Evidence uses the Creative Commons copyright Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. That means users are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially – with the appropriate citation.
Intellectual Property Rights
Authors of articles submitted to RCVS Knowledge for publication will retain copyright in their work, and will be required to grant to RCVS Knowledge a non-exclusive licence to publish including but not limited to the right to publish, re-publish, transmit, sell, distribute and otherwise use the materials in all languages and all media throughout the world, and to licence or permit others to do so.
Any opinions expressed in articles and other publication types published in Veterinary Evidence are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the view of the RCVS Knowledge. Veterinary Evidence is a resource to help inform, and the content herein should not override the responsibility of the practitioner. Practitioners should also consider factors such as individual clinical expertise and judgement along with patient’s circumstances and owners’ values. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the content. While the Editor and Publisher believe that all content herein are in accord with current recommendations and practice at the time of publication, they accept no legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to material contained within. For further information please refer to our Terms of Use.