Does local anaesthetic reduce pain in rubber ring castration of neonatal lambs?
Hannah Higgins, BVetMed CertAVP PgC TSLHE MRCVS FHEA1*
1 Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
* Corresponding author email:
Vol 9, Issue 1 (2024)
Submitted 12 Nov 2022; published: 10 Jan 2024; next review: 09 Nov 2025
PICO question
In lambs less than 7 days old undergoing castration with rubber rings does administration of local anaesthetic compared to no local anaesthetic result in a reduction of pain-related behaviours?
Clinical bottom line
Category of research
Number and type of study designs reviewed
Six studies were appraised; all were controlled clinical or field trials.
Strength of evidence
Outcomes reported
Local anaesthetic administered to lambs castrated with rubber rings resulted in the demonstration of fewer pain related behaviours and also diminished the increases in plasma cortisol in the immediate post-castration period when compared to lambs castrated without local anaesthetic. Local anaesthetic administered at least 15 minutes before rubber ring castration may significantly reduce behavioural signs of pain and plasma cortisol changes.
In lambs less than 7 days old undergoing castration with rubber rings, local anaesthetic reduces markers of pain when compared to lambs castrated without local anaesthetic.
How to apply this evidence in practice
The application of evidence into practice should take into account multiple factors, not limited to: individual clinical expertise, patient’s circumstances and owners’ values, country, location or clinic where you work, the individual case in front of you, the availability of therapies and resources.
Knowledge Summaries are a resource to help reinforce or inform decision making. They do not override the responsibility or judgement of the practitioner to do what is best for the animal in their care.
Clinical scenario
A commercial sheep farmer asks you about the use of local anaesthetic (LA) for his male lambs which are castrated at 24 hours old using rubber rings. Legislation in the UK does not require anaesthetic for this method of castration in lambs less than 7 days old; the supermarket he sells his lambs to are encouraging LA at routine castration and have suggested a device called Numnuts® could be used. The farmer thinks that the pain experienced by lambs is insignificant to justify the extra time and effort involved in injecting LA before applying rubber rings. You search for evidence to inform your advice.
The evidence
There is moderate evidence to suggest that using local anaesthetic in lambs less than 7 days old at the time of castration with rubber rings provides pain relief, and that administration of local anaesthetic 15 minutes before castration gives superior pain relief to administration at the same time as castration. Overall the findings of most of the papers reviewed are consistent. All of the cited papers are controlled clinical or field trials and the majority are randomised, therefore they are high on the hierarchy of evidence.
Summary of the evidence
Kent et al. (1998)
Population: |
Suffolk x Greyface lambs aged 4–8 days. The location is not reported. |
Sample size: |
Not stated but calculated to be 120 lambs. |
Intervention details: |
Fifteen groups of eight lambs. Seven groups were involved in a study focusing on tail docking only (this does not relate to the PICO question and therefore will not be commented on further in this Knowledge Summary). Eight groups were used for the castration study. Treatment groups:
Study design: |
Controlled trial. |
Outcome studied: |
Subjective: behavioural responses to treatment.
Objective: plasma cortisol at 20, 40, 60, 80, 120 and 180 minutes after treatment. |
Main findings |
When compared with no anaesthetic, all methods of local anaesthetic significantly reduced, but did not eliminate entirely, the pain associated with rubber ring castration.
Limitations: |
Kent et al. (2004)
Population: |
Crossbred lambs under 4 days old, from seven different farms in Scotland. |
Sample size: |
600 lambs. |
Intervention details: |
Treatment groups:
Study design: |
Blinded randomised controlled field trial. |
Outcome studied: |
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Mellema et al. (2006)
Population: |
White Swiss Mountain and White Swiss Mountain x Charolais ram lambs ages 2–7 days. Location is not reported. |
Sample size: |
70 lambs. |
Intervention details: |
Lambs were randomly allocated to one of six treatments. Treatment groups:
All injections took place 5 minutes before castrations / handling. The syringes for injection of LA or saline were prepared by a second person so the person administering them was blind to the contents. |
Study design: |
Blinded randomised controlled trial. |
Outcome studied: |
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Molony et al. (2012)
Population: |
Greyface x Texel lambs aged 2–3 days old in Scotland. |
Sample size: |
24 lambs. |
Intervention details: |
Three groups of eight lambs:
Study design: |
Randomised controlled trial. |
Outcome studied: |
Active behavioural responses and postures for 1 hour after castration. Lesions at site of castration:
Chronic pain:
Daily live weight gain:
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Thornton & Waterman-Pearson (1999)
Population: |
Crossbred lambs aged 4–6 days in England. |
Sample size: |
216 lambs. |
Intervention details: |
4x3x3 block design where each lamb was assigned to one of four groups (three castration methods and a control) and one of three anaesthetic regimes. There were 36 possible combinations and groups of six lambs received each combination. Groups:
Anaesthetic regime:
Study design: |
Factorial randomised controlled trial. |
Outcome studied: |
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Wood et al. (1991)
Population: |
Dorset x Finnish Landrace male lambs aged 5–6 days. Location not stated. |
Sample size: |
36 lambs. |
Intervention details: |
Six groups of six lambs each subjected to one of the following treatments.
Study design: |
Controlled clinical trial. |
Outcome studied: |
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Appraisal, application and reflection
In the UK there is currently no legal requirement for local anaesthestic (LA) to be used when castrating lambs less than one week old with rubber rings.
The papers reviewed here covered a 30 year period of research into pain reduction for castration in lambs. Markers of pain used for outcomes were mostly plasma cortisol (Mellor & Murray, 1989) and behavioural expressions and postures which have been demonstrated to be sensitive markers of pain associated with castration in lambs (Mellor & Murray, 1989; Molony et al., 1993; and Molony et al., 2002). A method of assessing acute pain in lambs has been validated by Molony et al. (2002) and these observations formed the basis for behavioural measurements in many of the papers reviewed. Power calculations for sample size were not included in any of the papers and confidence intervals were rarely reported in the results.
Wood et al. (1991) concluded that lignocaine injected into the spermatic cords, scrotal neck and testes concurrently 15–20 minutes before castration resulted in the demonstration of fewer pain related behaviours and also diminished the increases in plasma cortisol in the immediate post-treatment period compared to those castrated without LA. The lambs receiving LA showed behavioural and cortisol responses close to those of the control group. This was, however, a study of small sample size that was not randomised or blinded, giving potential for bias in the results, therefore the power of the study is also unknown.
Thornton & Waterman-Pearson (1999) used the same LA protocol as Wood et al. (1991) in their study and also found that LA reduced plasma cortisol to similar levels to the control, and significantly reduced pain behaviours demonstated by lambs when compared with castration without LA. This study was the only one to assess scrotal pain as an outcome and found than LA significantly reduced the scrotal pain associated with rubber ring castration. This was a complex factorial study and although the sample size was larger than most of the other studies, only six lambs received each combination of treatments and outcome measures.
Whilst these studies (Thornton & Waterman-Pearson, 1999; and Wood et al., 1991) suggest that LA does significantly reduce the pain associated with rubber ring castration, in both cases the LA was administered 15 minutes before rubber ring application. On commercial sheep farms it may not be practical or efficient to handle each lamb twice and allow 15 minutes to elapse between injection of LA and application of the rubber ring. The other studies reviewed here investigate the effect of LA injected immediately before or after rubber ring application.
Studies conducted in Australia and New Zealand have demonstrated that lambs receiving LA immediately before or after rubber ring application showed fewer behaviours associated with pain in the first hour after castration (Jongmanet al., 2016; Small et al., 2020; and Stewart et al., 2014). However, as it is common in these countries to castrate lambs at ‘marking’ (marking being the gathering of lambs for the procedures of tail docking, castration of males, ear marking, ear tagging, vaccination, and drenching, often performed at between 6 and 12 weeks of age), rather than in the neonatal period, all of these studies used a population of lambs over four weeks old. The testes would be more developed, with a larger scrotal neck, than lambs less than seven days old being castrated in the UK, consequently the findings may not be directly applicable to the UK population.
In lambs less than 8 days old painful behaviours and plasma cortisol are significantly reduced if LA is administered at the time of rubber ring placement (Kent et al., 1998; Kent et al., 2004; Mellema et al., 2006; and Molony et al., 2012). LA was injected subcutaneously into the neck of the scrotum (in at least two sites in order to create a rubber ring block), the middle of the testes, into the spermatic cords or a combination of some or all of these sites, at the time of rubber ring application. All protocols gave similar results i.e. a significant reduction in pain related behaviours but not complete elimination. One study (Mellema et al., 2006) found that the subjective assessment of immediate pain was not significantly reduced, but other behavioural measurements based on the validated method were. In addition, the plasma cortisol did not significantly change compared to the control. These studies are mostly randomised controlled trials and provide strong evidence that pain is relieved by the use of LA at the time of rubber ring application, excluding the Kent et al. (1998) study which was not randomised.
Injecting LA at the time of castration is more time-efficient than injecting it 15 minutes before but there is still a time cost; rubber ring castration takes an average of 29 seconds and injection into the scrotal neck followed immediately by rubber ring castration takes an average of 68 seconds (Kent et al., 2004). Efforts have been made to further streamline the process by combining the LA injection and rubber ring application into one action using a preparatory device, Numnuts®, which delivers 1.5 ml lignocaine 2% into the dorsal midline of the scrotal neck immediately after the rubber ring is applied. Two studies investigating the effect of this precise method of LA injection were identified during the literature search (Jongman et al., 2016; and Small et al., 2020) but were excluded as both studies were conducted in Australia and the lambs were over four weeks old. These studies do suggest that LA administered in this way has a limited impact on pain but there is currently no evidence regarding its use in lambs less than seven days old.
With the exception of one paper that used procaine 5% (Molony et al., 2012) all LA intervention used lignocaine 2%, however, lignocaine 2% is not available for use in food producing animals in the UK. While no local anaesthetics are licensed for sheep in the UK, procaine may be prescribed under the cascade. Small et al. (2021) suggests that procaine may have a similar onset time to lignocaine but that the effect may last longer in lambs castrated by rubber rings.
In conclusion, LA administered into the scrotal neck, spermatic cord and testes of lambs 15 minutes before castration with rubber rings may virtually eliminate pain. However, where this is not possible, injection of 0.3 ml of lignocaine 2% into the scrotal neck or each testis of a neonatal lamb at the time of castration may aid reduction of pain.
Search strategy
Databases searched and dates covered: |
CAB Abstracts on Cab Direct platform 1974–9 November 2023 |
Search strategy: |
CAB Abstracts:
Web of Science:
Dates searches performed: |
09 Nov 2023 |
Exclusion / inclusion criteria
Exclusion: |
Not relevant to PICO question, studies where castration was by surgery or Burdizzo, studies using species other than lambs, studies that did not use local anaesthetic as an intervention or did not have a group without local anaesthetic for comparison, studies that did not assess acute pain in response to castration, studies where the study population was older than 7 days, articles that are not primary studies, book chapters, narrative reviews and papers not available in English language. |
Inclusion: |
Interventions included castration with rubber rings and castration with just local anaesthetic and castration with no anaesthetic. |
Search outcome
Database |
Number of results |
Excluded – Not relevant to PICO question |
Excluded – Lambs over 7 days old |
Excluded – Surgical or Burdizzo castration |
Excluded – Interventions did not include LA, or there was no control without LA |
Excluded – Not primary studies |
Excluded – Does not measure acute pain response |
Excluded – Not English language or full text not available |
Total relevant papers |
CAB Abstracts |
123 |
49 |
7 |
10 |
20 |
27 |
1 |
3 |
6 |
PubMed |
196 |
148 |
9 |
11 |
7 |
16 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
Total relevant papers when duplicates removed |
6 |
Hannah Higgins:
Conflict of interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
- Jongman, E., Hemsworth, P. & Campbell, A. (2016). Assessment of pain responses following castration of lambs using the Elastrator ring with and without midline injections of lignocaine. Sydney, Australia: Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. [online]. Available at: [Accessed: 28th June 2021].
- Kent, J.E., Molony, V. & Graham, M.J. (1998). Comparison of methods for the reduction of acute pain produced by rubber ring castration or tail docking of week-old lambs. The Veterinary Journal. 155(1), 39–51. DOI:
- Kent, J.E., Thrusfield, M.V., Molony, V., Hosie, B.D. & Sheppard, B.W. (2004). Randomised, controlled field trial of two new techniques for the castration and tail docking of lambs less than two days of age. Veterinary Record. 154(7), 193–200. DOI:
- Mellema, S.C., Doherr, M.G., Wechsler, B., Thueer, S. & Steiner, A. (2006). Influence of local anaesthesia on pain and distress induced by two bloodless castration methods in young lambs. The Veterinary Journal. 172(2), 274–283. DOI:
- Mellor, D.J. & Murray, L. (1989). Effects of tail docking and castration on behaviour and plasma cortisol concentrations in young lambs. Research in Veterinary Science. 46(3), 387–391. DOI:
- Molony, V., Kent, J.E. & Robertson, I.S. (1993). Behavioural responses of lambs of three ages in the first three hours after three methods of castration and tail docking. Research in Veterinary Science. 55(2), 236–245. DOI:
- Molony, V., Kent, J.E., Viñuela-Fernández, I., Anderson, C. & Dwyer, C.M. (2012). Pain in lambs castrated at 2 days using novel smaller and tighter rubber rings without and with local anaesthetic. The Veterinary Journal. 193(1), 81–86. DOI:
- Molony, V., Kent, J. & McKendrick, I. (2002). Validation of a method for assessment of an acute pain in lambs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 76(3), 215–238. DOI:
- Small, A.H., Jongman, E.C., Niemeyer, D., Lee, C. & Colditz, I.G. (2020). Efficacy of precisely injected single local bolus of lignocaine for alleviation of behavioural responses to pain during tail docking and castration of lambs with rubber rings. Research in Veterinary Science. 133, 210–218. DOI:
- Small, A., Fetiveau, M., Smith, R. & Colditz, I. (2021). Three studies Evaluating the Potential for Lidocaine, Bupivacaine or Procaine to Reduce Pain-Related Behaviors following Ring Castration and/or Tail Docking in Lambs. Animals. 11(12), 3583. DOI:
- Stewart, M., Beausoleil, N.J., Johnson, C.B., Webster, J.R., Schütz, K.E., Cox, N. & Stafford, K.J. (2014). Do rubber rings coated with lignocaine reduce the pain associated with ring castration of lambs? Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 160, 56–63. DOI:
- Thornton, P.D. & Waterman-Pearson, A. (1999). Quantification of the pain and distress responses to castration in young lambs. Research in Veterinary Science. 66(2), 107–118. DOI:
- Wood, G.N., Molony, V., Fleetwood-Walker, S., Hodgson, J.C. and Mellor, D.J. (1991). Effects of local anaesthesia and intravenous naloxone on the changes in behaviour and plasma concentrations of cortisol produced by castration and tail docking with tight rubber rings in young lambs. Research in Veterinary Science. 51(2), 193–199. DOI:
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hannah Higgins
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Knowledge Summaries are a peer-reviewed article type which aims to answer a clinical question based on the best available current evidence. It does not override the responsibility of the practitioner. Informed decisions should be made by considering such factors as individual clinical expertise and judgement along with patient’s circumstances and owners’ values. Knowledge Summaries are a resource to help inform and any opinions expressed within the Knowledge Summaries are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the view of the RCVS Knowledge. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the content. While the Editor and Publisher believe that all content herein are in accord with current recommendations and practice at the time of publication, they accept no legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to material contained within. For further information please refer to our Terms of Use.