The effect of anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibodies on the clinical signs of degenerative joint disease in cats
Lydia Kathleen Seeley, BVMSci MRCVS
1 University of Surrey, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Daphne Jackson Road, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7AL
* Corresponding author email:
Vol 8, Issue 4 (2023)
Submitted 06 Jun 2022; published: 18 Oct 2023; next review: 23 Mar 2025
PICO question
Are felinised anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibodies (frunevetmab) effective at reducing the clinical signs of pain and immobility in cats with degenerative joint disease when compared with no treatment?
Clinical bottom line
Category of research
Number and type of study designs reviewed
Three peer-reviewed randomised controlled trial treatment studies, two of which were pilot studies.
Strength of evidence
Outcomes reported
All three studies concluded that there was a statistical reduction in pain and an improvement in mobility in the groups administered frunevetmab, when compared to the groups administered the placebo.
There is moderate evidence suggesting that the administration of frunevetmab by injection led to a reduction in pain and an increase in mobility. Injections were given at day 0; day 0 and 28, or day 0, 28 and 56 depending on the study. Further research should be conducted to ensure repeatability, involving more objectively measured outcomes to reduce the reliance on subjective measures which are more likely to have associated bias.
How to apply this evidence in practice
The application of evidence into practice should take into account multiple factors, not limited to: individual clinical expertise, patient’s circumstances and owners’ values, country, location or clinic where you work, the individual case in front of you, the availability of therapies and resources.
Knowledge Summaries are a resource to help reinforce or inform decision making. They do not override the responsibility or judgement of the practitioner to do what is best for the animal in their care.
The evidence
After exclusion criteria were applied, three studies were appraised in this Knowledge Summary; all three studies were randomised double-blinded controlled clinical trials conforming to CONSORT guidelines, providing an overall moderate evidence-base.
All of the studies used subjectively-measured questionnaires completed by the cat owners, which meant there was potential for bias. The studies were double-blinded to mitigate this bias. All three studies used the same measurement tools, Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index (FMPI), and Client-specific Outcome Measures (CSOM), and veterinary orthopaedic examination, which made them comparable, and despite the strong placebo-effect, a positive statistical difference was demonstrated in all three studies. Both pilot studies (Gruen et al., 2016; and Gruen et al., 2021a) also implemented the use of objective measurement by accelerometers (activity-trackers), however, objective measurement was not used in the final study (Gruen et al., 2021b).
Of the subjective measurements, the CSOM is yet to be validated, although it has been used in other treatment studies (Lascelles et al., 2007). The same applies for the FMPI, but the FMPI is useful for segregating pain-free cats from those suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) (Benito et al., 2013).
Furthermore, all three studies were carried out by the same author and research group. There is a declared conflict of interest that all the studies were supported by a large pharmaceutical company (Zoetis) with active study involvement of company employees, which creates an innate risk of sponsorship and single group bias. However, all three papers were available with ‘open access’ which shows transparency by the company.
All three studies compared injectable frunevetmab with placebo (saline injection), however different doses were used of the drug, meaning the studies were not directly comparable. Despite the variation in dose, similar impacts on lameness were reported. There were positive statistical differences across all three studies, therefore a conclusion was reached that injectable felinised anti-nerve growth factors (NGF) monoclonal antibodies improve clinical signs by providing analgesia and improve mobility in cats with degenerative joint disease when compared to a placebo.
Summary of the evidence
Gruen et al. (2016)
Population: |
Sample size: |
34 cats. |
Intervention details: |
Cats were randomly allocated into three groups and administered a single treatment of NV-02 (now frunevetmab) or placebo (saline) subcutaneously:
All personnel were blinded except for the pharmacy staff who were responsible for dispensing the treatment. |
Study design: |
Pilot study: randomised, placebo-controlled, double blinded, clinical trial. |
Outcome studied: |
Baseline data was established in the 14 days prior to the first treatment being administered. Then average weekly activity and debility scores were assigned by the owner over a period of 11 weeks. An orthopaedic examination was carried out by a veterinarian, and the joints were given a pain score before being radiographed for inclusion in the study.
Subjective assessment:
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Gruen et al. (2021a)
Population: |
Sample size: |
126 cats. |
Intervention details: |
Cats were screened at their centre by a designated veterinarian at least 8 days prior to entry into the study, with a full clinical exam (including standardised neurological and orthopaedic examination), complete blood count, serum biochemistry, urinalysis, and radiographs on the affected joints being carried out. The cats were randomly allocated into three groups based on order of entry into the study. Each cat received two injections 28 days apart:
All of the personnel involved were blinded to the treatment administered, except the treatment administrator. The investigating veterinarian could delegate the physical assessment to another veterinarian. |
Study design: |
Pilot field study: prospective randomised, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial (multi-site). |
Outcome studied: |
Baseline data was gathered for a minimum of 8 days prior to the start of the study.
Subjectively assessed:
The number of treatment successes in each group were compared on days 14, 28, 42, and 56 for all three scales.
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Gruen et al. (2021b)
Population: |
Sample size: |
275 cats. |
Intervention details: |
Baseline screening was carried out 3–14 days prior to the study;
Each cat received a single injection on days 0, 28 and 56:
The treatment and placebo were assigned different codes so that the study was completely blinded except to the dispenser at each practice. The codes were not broken until the statistical analysis. On days 7 and 112, the owners received a telephone call to check on their cat’s status. |
Study design: |
Prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, double-blinded, superiority study. |
Outcome studied: |
Baseline measurements were established at screening 3–14 days before the start of the study, and on day 0.
Main findings |
Limitations: |
Appraisal, application and reflection
There is evidence that the long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) is beneficial in cats (Gunew et al., 2008). There are, however, concerns regarding the long-term use of NSAIDs, including adverse drug reactions, and particularly around the difficulty in administering oral medication, especially when the palatability is low, and when the cat does not live exclusively indoors, or grazes throughout the day (Sivén et al., 2017).
Overall, the three clinical trials in the studies appraised in this Knowledge Summary were well-designed and carried a moderate level of evidence. The biggest limitation of all three studies was the sample size, typical for veterinary studies. Further studies should be carried out with larger sample sizes across an increased number of clinical settings. Another limitation of the studies is that they were all carried out by the same research group, and had received funding from a pharmaceutical company. A conflict of interest was declared. Ideally, further research would be carried out by another research group to reduce the possibility that there was a level of potential sponsorship and single group bias.
The study design and the implementation of clinical trials was well executed. The cats were enrolled onto each study and then randomly allocated to either a treatment or placebo group. In the first pilot study (Gruen et al., 2016), the specific allocation method was not recorded explicitly, however the author stated that the pharmacy staff held the randomisation key, and all personnel involved in the recording of date were blinded to the treatment given. The second study (Gruen et al., 2021a) allocated cats on order of entry to the study, but the treatment was not administered in the presence of the owner or data recording personnel. In the third study (Gruen et al., 2021b), randomisation was performed using an electronic data system, which allocated cats to the treatment or placebo groups and assigned them a code which was not broken until statistical analysis. The dispenser knew the code, but not the treatment assigned to each code.
In addition, alongside veterinary assessment, all three of the studies used subjective measures (owner-completed questionnaires) to quantify the perceived clinical effects of frunevetmab. While subjective measurement is more likely to be subject to bias, it is important to also recognise the effects of being examined in a veterinary clinic on the stress-levels and behaviour of cats, and is therefore not a good way to assess chronic pain in cats (Monteiro & Steagall, 2019). In these studies, it was appropriate that the cats were monitored at home using owner assessment (FMPI and CSOM) as outlined by the author in a previous study (Gruen et al., 2015). These scales have also been used but not yet validated in other studies (Lascelles et al., 2007; and Benito et al., 2013). Objective measurement in the form of activity monitors in the two pilot studies was used to try and mitigate this, however in one of the pilot studies (Gruen et al., 2021a) a decrease in activity across both study groups was measured. In this case the author suspected that the baseline had been falsely elevated as the cats were wearing unfamiliar collars with the activity trackers attached, however this was not observed in the first pilot study (Gruen et al., 2016).
A strong placebo-effect has been documented in similar studies involving the assessment of dogs with chronic pain and lameness caused by OA (Conzemius & Evans, 2012). This was also seen in these studies with cats, particularly in the later stages of the longest study (Gruen et al., 2021b). Despite this, there was still a statistical difference between the treatment group and the placebo-group in the majority of time points throughout the studies, which indicates an improved treatment effect in the treatment group over the placebo group. When objective and subjective assessments were combined, the evidence showed that there was an overall improvement in clinical signs associated with degenerative joint disease (DJD) in the cats treated with frunevetmab.
Overall, the strength of the evidence was deemed to be moderate. Chronic pain is a complex subject to study due to the multi-dimensional effects that it has on the patient. These effects can include physical, and behavioural effects. The exclusion criteria for all three studies also means that the cats studied are unlikely to be representative of patients in real clinical situations. Also, despite the strong study designs, all three trials were carried out by the same research group and funded by the manufacturing drug company with their active involvement in the studies.
Therefore, the clinical bottom line is that there is some indication that fully felinised anti nerve growth factor (anti-NGF) monoclonal antibodies are effective at reducing clinical signs in cats with DJD when compared to no treatment.
Further clinical trials, with larger sample sizes, carried out across a larger number of veterinary practices for a longer duration, are warranted to investigate the clinical effects of frunevetmab on OA. It would also be useful in addition to observe the benefits of frunevetmab and compare the treatment effects with an NSAID such as meloxicam to reflect a common patient demographic.
In clinical practice, the suggestion of administering a monthly injection of frunevetmab can be discussed with owners on diagnosis or progression of OA.
Search strategy
Databases searched and dates covered: |
CAB Abstracts (2010–2023) |
Search strategy: |
CAB Abstracts: PubMed: |
Dates searches performed: |
23 Mar 2023 |
Exclusion / inclusion criteria
Exclusion: |
Not specifically studying cats to answer the PICO question. |
Inclusion: |
Specifically studying cats to answer the PICO question. |
Search outcome
Database |
Number of results |
Excluded – Not specific to cats or did not answer the PICO question |
Excluded – Narrative literature reviews, articles and book pages |
Total relevant papers |
CAB Abstracts |
18 |
8 |
7 |
3 |
PubMed |
47 |
42 |
2 |
3 |
Total relevant papers when duplicates removed |
3 |
Lydia Seeley:
Conflict of interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
- Benito, J., Hansen, B., Depuy, V., Davidson, G.S., Thomson, A., Simpson, W., Roe, S., Hardie, E. & Lascelles, B.D.X. (2013). Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index: Responsiveness and Testing of Criterion Validity. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 27(3), 474-482. DOI:
- Conzemius, M.G. & Evans, R.B. (2012). Caregiver placebo effect for dogs with lameness from osteoarthritis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 241(10), 1314–1319. DOI:
- Gruen, M.E., Griffith, E.H., Thomson, A.E., Simpson, W. & Lascelles, B.D.X. (2015). Criterion Validation Testing of Clinical Metrology Instruments for Measuring Degenerative Joint Disease Associated Mobility Impairment in Cats. PLOS ONE. 10(7), 0131839. DOI:
- Gruen, M.E., Thomson, A.E., Griffith, E.H, Paradise, H., Gearing, D.P. & Lascelles, B.D.X. (2016). A Feline-Specific Anti-Nerve Growth Factor Antibody Improves Mobility in Cats with Degenerative Joint Disease-Associated Pain: A Pilot Proof of Concept Study. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 30(4), 1138–1148. DOI:
- Gruen, M.E., Myers, J.A.E. & Lascelles, B.D.X. (2021)a. Efficacy and Safety of an Anti-nerve Growth Factor Antibody (Frunevetmab) for the Treatment of Degenerative Joint Disease-Associated Chronic Pain in Cats: A Multisite Pilot Field Study. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 8(610028). DOI:
- Gruen, M.E., Myers, J.A.E., Tena, J.S., Becskei, C., Cleaver, D.M. & Lascelles, B.D.X. (2021)b. Frunevetmab, a felinized anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of pain from osteoarthritis in cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 35(6), 2752–2762. DOI:
- Gunew, M.N., Menrath, V.H. & Marshall, R.D. (2008). Long-term safety, efficacy and palatability of oral meloxicam at 0.01–0.03 mg/kg for treatment of osteoarthritic pain in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 10(3), 235–241. DOI:
- Lascelles, B.D.X., Hansen, B.D., Roe, S., DePuy, V., Thomson, A., Pierce, C.C., Smith, E.S. & Rowinski, E. (2007). Evaluation of Client-Specific Measures and Activity Monitoring to Measure Pain Relief in Cats with Osteoarthritis. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 21(3), 410–416. DOI:
- Monteiro, B.P. & Steagall, P.V. (2019). Chronic pain in cats: Recent advances in clinical assessment. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 21(7), 601–614. DOI:
- Sivén, M., Savolainen, S., Räntilä, S., Männikkö, S., Vainionpää, M., Airaksinen, S., Raekallio, M., Vainio, O. & Juppo, A.M. (2017). Difficulties in administration of oral medication formulations to pet cats: an e-survey of cat owners. Veterinary Record. 180(10), 250–250. DOI:
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lydia Seeley
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