Do cats receiving pre-appointment trazodone experience less stress during veterinary visits?
Stephanie Shone, BVMedSci (Hons) BVM BVS (Hons)1*
1 Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists, Alton, United Kingdom, GU34 HL
* Corresponding author email:
Vol 10, Issue 1 (2025)
Submitted 30 Aug 2023; Published: 17 Feb 2025
PICO question
In cats does pre-appointment trazodone administration, compared to no trazodone, effectively reduce patients’ stress during veterinary visits?
Clinical bottom line
Category of research
Number and type of study designs reviewed
Two studies were identified and reviewed. One was a double blind, placebo controlled, randomised crossover study. The other was a blinded placebo controlled randomised crossover study.
Strength of evidence
Outcomes reported
In the first appraised paper 10 cats with ≥ 1 behavioural sign consistent with transport or veterinary examination associated anxiety were randomly assigned and orally administered a 50 mg trazodone tablet or a placebo (a sodium bicarbonate tablet identical in appearance to a trazodone tablet).
9/10 cats had anxiety-related signs during the veterinary visit when given the placebo, whereas 3/10 had them when given trazodone. Overall, behavioural scores assigned by the veterinarian were significantly (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P = 0.006) lower for cats after receiving trazodone versus the placebo. Trazodone administration resulted in significantly (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P = 0.01) more favourable tractability scores than with the placebo administration, with cats considered relaxed versus tense after receiving trazodone. For all components of the veterinary examination, trazodone administration resulted in significantly (McNemar test, P = 0.03 for each comparison) lower stress scores before, during and after veterinary examination. However, one cat was reported to become more fearful and vocal after trazodone administration.
The second paper assessed the sedative and anxiolytic effects of 50 mg, 75 mg, and 100 mg trazodone administration to 6 purpose-bred, male, neutered laboratory cats, prior to and during a veterinary examination to a placebo (food or treats with no tablet). Since the 50 mg and 75 mg doses were not randomised the author of this Knowledge Summary did not include them as part of the statistical analysis. This study found no statistically significant difference in scoring between the effects of the 100 mg trazodone and the placebo, after analysis of the total behavioural and mean overall stress scores. There was a statistically significant difference in enclosure activity with lower levels of activity in cats administered 100 mg trazodone compared to the placebo. However, this is likely more reflective of the sedative effects of trazodone rather than anxiolysis.
The first appraised paper found promising evidence that trazodone could be effective at reducing stress in cats during veterinary visits. However, despite the strong study design, many limitations were identified, most notably the small sample size and large number of uncontrolled variables. This undermined the statistically significant data produced. The second study did not produce statistically significant evidence that trazodone ameliorates stress during a veterinary visit.
A conclusion to the PICO question cannot be made due to lack of relevant studies and statistically significant data. Evidence found supporting the PICO question is weak and therefore more studies with larger sample sizes and less variability are needed to determine the efficacy of trazodone use to reduce stress in cats during veterinary visits.
How to apply this evidence in practice
The application of evidence into practice should take into account multiple factors, not limited to: individual clinical expertise, patient’s circumstances and owners’ values, country, location or clinic where you work, the individual case in front of you, the availability of therapies and resources.
Knowledge Summaries are a resource to help reinforce or inform decision making. They do not override the responsibility or judgement of the practitioner to do what is best for the animal in their care.
The evidence
Stevens et al. (2016) produced promising evidence that 50 mg trazodone administration pre-appointment reduces stress in anxious cats during veterinary visits. This conclusion is based on the good study design and statistically significant results produced. The study was double blind and placebo controlled which reduced bias by blinding both the veterinarian and technician and the owner to whether trazodone or the placebo had been administered to the animal being scored. In addition, the crossover design meant that each animal received and was scored after both the trazodone and placebo were given following a washout period of 1 to 3 weeks in-between each treatment. This reduced biological variation. This type of study is classified near the top of the evidence hierarchy. However, a notable limiting factor to this study was the small sample size of only 10 reducing the reliability of the data collected.
Orlando et al. (2016) had a similar study design to Stevens et al. (2016). In this study the observer was blinded to the treatment administered. The 100 mg trazodone and placebo were randomly assigned, and the effects compared. The sample size was also limited with only 6 cats reducing the reliability of the results. This study did not produce statically significant data that supports the use of trazodone for anxiolysis in cats.
Overall, the evidence is weak and further studies with a larger sample size based on sample calculation and fewer variables are needed to obtain more representative and statistically significant results before an evidence-based conclusion can be made. Furthermore, a dosing regimen needs to be established with prevalence of adverse reactions considered to establish whether the benefit of anxiolysis is outweighed.
Summary of the evidence
Orlando et al. (2016)
Use of oral trazodone for sedation in cats: a pilot study
Aim: to assess the efficacy and safety of a single dose of oral trazodone on sedation in cats.
Population: |
Healthy client owned exclusively indoor cats between 2–12 years of age with a history of anxiety during transport or veterinary examination. Cats were required to have ≥ 1 behavioural sign consistent with transport- or veterinary examination-associated anxiety. Three castrated males and seven spayed females qualified for and completed the study with a mean age of 6.8 years (range 2.1 to 10.7 years) and a mean body weight of 4.6 kg (range 3.3 to 6.5 kg). All cats were reported by their owners to have had at least one of the evaluated signs of anxiety during transport in a carrier in the past. Eight cats were reported by their owners to have had at least one of the evaluated signs of anxiety during veterinary examination in the past. |
Sample size: |
Of 13 cats, 10 completed the trial—two cats were withdrawn due to illness unrelated to the study protocol and another was withdrawn by the owner after reporting a suspected adverse effect to the trazodone administration. |
Intervention details: |
Study design: |
Double blind, placebo-controlled, randomised crossover study. |
Outcome Studied: |
3 scoring systems were used to assess for signs of anxiety and fear at specific points: the McCune cat stress score (CSS), the tractability score, and the behavioural response score. Owners used a standard form to assign cumulative stress scores to their cat at the following points: before transport, during transport, and after transport, while in the clinic waiting room, during the examination, and immediately after the examination. Objective assessments:
Subjective assessments:
After each visit, in a survey sent via email, owners were asked to report any adverse events noted within 24 hours after administration of the assigned treatment (placebo or 50mg trazodone hydrochloride). |
Main Findings |
Owner assessment:
Veterinary assessment:
Adverse events:
Limitations: |
Stevens et al. (2016)
Efficacy of a single dose of trazodone hydrochloride given to cats prior to veterinary visits to reduce signs of transport- and examination-related anxiety
Aim: to determine the effect of a single dose of trazodone hydrochloride on reducing anxiety levels during transport and a veterinary examination in cats.
Population: |
Purpose bred, neutered male, domestic shorthair laboratory cats aged 6 months (1 cat) to 3–5 years old (5 cats). Cat weights ranged from 3 kg to 4.7 kg. The five adult cats had previously been used as control subjects for a separate study where they had been conditioned to entering a carrier voluntarily. The 6-month-old cat had not received any prior conditioning. |
Sample size: |
6 cats. |
Intervention details: |
Study design: |
Blinded placebo controlled randomised crossover study. |
Outcome Studied: |
Objective assessments:
Subjective assessments:
Main Findings |
Limitations: |
Appraisal, application and reflection
Cats commonly show signs of anxiety during veterinary visits, increasing the possibility of aggressive behaviours and/or resistance during examination. This in turn not only has a negative mental and potentially physical impact on the cat itself, but also the owners and veterinary staff involved (Rodan, 2010). Owners’ perception of stress in their cats is a primary reason for failing to seek veterinary care. This can be detrimental to the health and welfare of the cat (van Haaften et al., 2017). Low stress environments and handling alone may not significantly lower anxiety, but the addition of behavioural medications may aid in mitigating anxiety and fear associated with veterinary care and therefore improve owner compliance and animal welfare (Erickson et al., 2021).
Trazodone is a second generation triazolopyridine derivative that can be used off license for the management of anxiety in cats. It is classified as a serotonin receptors antagonist and reuptake inhibitor (SARI) (Gruen & Sherman, 2008) owing to its primary pharmacological mechanism as an antagonist at serotonin 2A receptors and its secondary mechanism as a serotonin reuptake inhibition (Gilbert-Gregory et al., 2016). In comparison, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), another commonly used classification of anti-depressant, inhibit reuptake of serotonin through inhibition of the serotonin transporter but they do not antagonise the serotonin receptors. Trazodone is also a potent alpha-adrenoreceptor and histaminergic antagonist and possesses anxiolytic and hypnotic properties. It has been used as an anti-depressant in humans since the 1970s and has also been found to be beneficial for many other medical and psychiatric conditions including anxiety (Chea & Giorgi, 2017). In dogs it has been used to promote low stress handling during a veterinary visit, as well as to treat behavioural disorders and facilitate postsurgical confinement (Gilbert-Gregory et al., 2016).
Stevens et al. (2016) compared the anxiety levels of 10 cats with known veterinary visit related anxiety and the effect of a single 50 mg tablet of trazodone compared to a placebo administered by the owner prior to the visit. No confidence intervals were reported so values of P < 0.05 have been considered significant. Owner assigned stress scores during transport did not differ significantly, however, it was found that trazodone administration resulted in significantly (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P = 0.008) less vocalisation. Owner stress scores were significantly lower after trazodone administration compared to the placebo at the majority of points; before transport/1 to 1.5 hours post administration (McNemar test, P = 0.02), after transport/in the waiting room (McNemar test, P = 0.02), during the veterinary examination (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P= 0.04) and after the vet examination (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P = 0.008). In addition, owner assigned tractability scores during the examination were significantly (P = 0.03) more favourable with trazodone versus placebo. It is also important to note that although the owners were blinded to which treatment their cat was receiving, 9 out of 10 correctly identified the treatment after observing their cat’s behaviour and several requested subsequent trazodone for their cat for future veterinary visits. Overall, these results provide promising evidence that trazodone does help to reduce stress in anxious cats during veterinary visits.
This study (Stevens et al., 2016) has a strong study design for multiple reasons. The comparison of a placebo to the trazodone treatment reduced biological variation. In addition, the fact that the treatments were randomised, and the owners, veterinary staff were all blinded to the administered treatment eliminated any potential bias. The strength of the study design is, however, undermined by its limitations. Firstly, the small sample size (n = 10) means the results are less likely to be representative. Moreover, there was a broad range of eligible cats due to absence of a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria leading to a lot of variability in the studied population. Three eligible cats were excluded from the study. One of these cats one was believed to have had an adverse event, becoming more vocal and agitated after the trazodone administration, and was subsequently withdrawn by the owner. The other two cats were withdrawn prior to the study commencing. An email survey was sent to owners asking them to report any adverse effects within 24 hours after administration of the treatment. There was only one report of transient sleepiness. No vomiting, diarrhoea or behavioural changes were reported. A larger sample size would also be useful to establish the incidence of side effects and therefore the safety index of trazodone at the dosage used and others.
Assessment points in this study (Stevens et al., 2016) were dictated by certain activities rather than time since trazodone administration. Therefore, the time from administration of treatment to the cat being put in the carrier, travelling in the car, and being assessed by the veterinarian varied. This will have resulted in different absorption levels of trazodone in the blood of each cat at each assessment point. In addition, absorption levels will have varied based on how much food the cat had in its stomach and the dose it received relative to its weight as a 50 mg dose was given to all cats regardless of weight. Despite the cats all receiving the same physical examination the cats would have been subject to different levels of potential stressors at multiple points throughout the study. For example, variations in the length and condition of the journey to the veterinary clinic (lots of starting and stopping, windy roads vs a short journey with few turns and stops, position in car the carrier was placed during transport), stressful stimuli in the waiting room both auditory, visually and olfactory, type of carrier used, time in the waiting room and method of entering and exiting the carrier in the examination room (voluntary vs extraction via the door or roof). This study used both subjective and objective scoring systems. None of the scoring systems have been validated. The subjective scores, especially by the owners, will have been influenced by person feelings and therefore it is impossible to ensure consistency. This will also have been influenced by the level of stress experienced by the owner. It would have also been helpful for more objective scoring of physiological parameters such as respiration rate to be done by owners throughout the study. Another important inconsistency is the washout period used between treatments which varied between 1–3 weeks.
Orlando et al. (2016) investigated the sedative and behavioural effects of 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg trazodone, and a placebo on purpose bred laboratory cats during a veterinary examination. Because the 50 mg and 75 mg doses of trazodone were not randomised, the data obtained during these treatment days was excluded from statistical analysis and not taken into consideration in this evidence summary. Data from trazodone 100 mg and placebo treatments were compared and because of the small sample size, a p-value < 0.1 was considered significant. Heart rates (Wilcoxon signed rank test, n = 5; P = 0.5) and respiratory rates were not significantly affected by trazodone 100 mg compared with placebo (Wilcoxon signed rank test, n = 4; P = 0.375). Enclosure activity scoring analysis revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the enclosure activity scores of cats when they received trazodone 100 mg compared with placebo (Fisher’s exact test, n = 12; P = 0.06). However, this likely reflects the sedative effects of trazodone rather than its anxiolytic effect. Total behavioural response scores revealed no significant difference between cats that received trazodone 100 mg and placebo (Wilcoxon signed rank test, n = 6; P = 0.594). The mean overall stress score for before, during and after examination was the same between the trazodone 100 mg and placebo groups (Wilcoxon signed rank test, n = 6; P = 1.000). Overall, this study does not provide evidence that the administration to cats before a veterinary visit would be beneficial to reduce anxiety.
Both studies (Stevens et al., 2016 and Orlando et al., 2016) used a placebo control and the McCune cat stress scoring systems and behavioural response scoring system in addition to assessment of physiological parameters. They both also scored the cats before, during, and after a veterinary examination. Because laboratory cats were used in this study (Orlando et al., 2016) it was possible to reduce variability significantly. The cats were all in the same environment being fed the same diet and the scoring was carried out at the same time interval post treatment administration per cat. The observer was blinded to the treatment that had been administered therefore reducing bias. Also, the cats were transported in the same carriers and underwent the same journey from their kennel to the examination room. This helped ensure that no external factors varied the amount of stress each animal underwent. There was however variation in how the cats exited and entered the carriers and the author does state that there was visual access between cats, which could have influenced their activities. Other limitations stated by the author were that not all the cats received the medication in similar types of food which may have had an impact on absorption rates. In addition, one cat did not receive a full dose on one treatment day (100 mg) and administration of the 50 mg and 75 mg doses were not randomised. There was also variability in the washout period; between 4 to 7 days. A large limitation was that 3 out of 5 of the outcomes measured were subjective and not validated. Both objective outcomes assessed could have been decreased as a result of sedation rather than anxiolysis. Despite the benefits of using laboratory cats to reduce the number of variables in the study, including biological variation, it also meant that the sample population was not representative of a ‘normal’ domesticated cat and so is less applicable in practice. The small sample size also means that the results are less likely to be significant and representative. In terms of safety no abnormalities were detected on physical examination and no cats had any adverse effects. Laboratory values were not appreciably different from values obtained prior to the onset of the study.
Search Strategy
Databases searched and dates covered: |
CAB Abstracts on the OVID interface 1973 to 2 April 2024 |
Search strategy: |
CAB Abstracts:
Dates searches performed: |
02 Apr 2024 |
Exclusion / Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion: |
Inclusion: |
Search Outcome
Database |
Number of results |
Excluded — inappropriate to PICO |
Excluded — wrong species |
Total relevant papers |
CAB Abstracts |
7 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
PubMed |
10 |
8 |
0 |
2 |
Total relevant papers when duplicates removed |
2 |
Stephanie Shone:
Conflict of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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- van Haaften, K.A., Forsythe, L.R.E., Stelow, E.A. & Bain, M.J. (2017). Effects of a single preappointment dose of gabapentin on signs of stress in cats during transportation and veterinary examination. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 251(10), 1175–1181. DOI:
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Copyright (c) 2025 Stephanie Shone
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